As the authors claimed, the areas with the highest genetic diversity of the European ground squirrel populations corresponded to
biogeographically ancestral areas located exactly in Pannonian refugium (Ricanova et al.
Plant functional types and traits as biodiversity indicators for tropical forests: two
biogeographically separated case studies including birds, mammals and termites.
Biogeographically, the two genera are also distinct.
Biogeographically, freshwater mussels are one of the few groups of bivalves adapted to flowing water, as they briefly parasitize fish hosts during their larval form to hitch a ride upstream (Schwalb et al.
The uncultured archaeal taxa identified here (THSCG and thermophilic ANME-1) that are observed here in significant proportion in the hydrothermal clay horizons are also observed in other high temperature sediments (Okinawa Trough and Guaymas Basin) and suggest that high temperature microbial communities may be
biogeographically similar among other sedimented hydrothermal vent ecosystems.
They are more or less distributed worldwide and can be found from seacoast to alpine pastures, however many tribes are restricted to particular
biogeographically regions (Majerous and Kern, 1989).
Although some species and species groups are
biogeographically similar, the overall biodiversity of today's northern tundra lakes and ponds differs from region to region.
We compared the Chapala material with taxa closely related systematically,
biogeographically, and chronologically, such as Copemys, Postcopemys, Peromyscus, Abelmoschomys, Prosigmodon, Bensonomys, Lindsayimys, Baiomys, and Reithrodontomys (Appendix 3).
However, on the southernmost tip of the species range, a portion where its presence is relevant, both
biogeographically (it is the only record of a large-bodied Saguinus for an ecotonal area) and politically (it is the only place where the species occur in the state of Mato Grosso), the species depends on forest remnants in private properties to survive.
Because of their dense interconnections, Santurban and Bucaramanga are,
biogeographically speaking, part of a single produced environment, if we understand produced environments as "specific historical results of socio-environmental processes" (Heynen et al, 2006, page 4).
This distinction between Gran Canaria and the other western and central islands was also noted in a group of Canaries reptiles (GUERRERO & al., 2005), reinforcing the
biogeographically differentiated character of Gran Canaria.
Biogeographically, the southern zone of Chile comprising the area between Puerto Montt (41[degrees] S) and Cape Horn (55[degrees]S), is subdivided by Viviani (1979) into three regions, where there have been several studies on jellyfish: a) the Northern Patagonian Zone, from Puerto Montt (41[degrees]S) to the Taitao Peninsula (46[degrees]-47[degrees]S) (Galea, 2007; Galea et al, 2007; Palma et al, 2007a, 2007b; Villenas et al., 2009; Bravo et al., 2011), b) the Central Patagonian Zone to the Magellan Strait (52[degrees]30'S) (Haussermann et al, 2009), and d) the Southern Patagonian Zone to Cape Horn (56[degrees]S) (Pages & Orejas, 1999).