maculiventris is capable of retaining,
bioaccumulating, and possibly biomagnifying dietary Se, as shown when the food source was T.
(6) If similar immunomodulatory effects occur in humans, we may not be recognizing the impact these
bioaccumulating compounds have on the overall burden of disease, particularly in groups with higher exposures, Germolec says.
managing persisting
bioaccumulating pollutants: toxic minerals, biocides, hormone mimics, solvents, and chemical disruptors.
The research demonstrates that so-called halogenated organic compounds are also produced naturally and "were
bioaccumulating in marine mammals--just as PCBs do now--before Monsanto, Dupont, and 3M were making halogenated organic compounds for industrial use," said Emma Teuten and Chris Reddy.
One of the most controversial points of the compromise is the fact that only persistent,
bioaccumulating and toxic substances (PBTs) and very persistent, very
bioaccumulating and very toxic substances (vPvBs) would be subject to the automatic substitution requirement which, according to the Greens, is unacceptable.
Anthropogenic xenobiotics, especially the
bioaccumulating and bioconcentrating toxic minerals (TMs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), are the focus of this article as they are, in their more toxic forms, largely anthropogenic, human-sourced intoxicants.
By contrast, it does not fundamentally resolve the problem of cadmium, a carcinogenic, biotoxic and
bioaccumulating substance found in many batteries.
When birds swallow these fish, toxins are passed on to their tissues, thus
bioaccumulating up the food chain.
"Why should we accept an increasing load of persistent,
bioaccumulating chemicals in our bodies and in the environment, merely because no current test system has proved them to have adverse effects?" asks Peter Sundin, secretary to the Swedish Committee on New Guidelines on Chemicals Policy, the committee that recommended the change.
They ignore a range of other environmental impacts that have been shown to increase with affluence, including
bioaccumulating toxic and hazardous wastes, the loss of biodiversity/habitat, and atmospheric pollution.
Humans are also at risk since, unlike the Antarctic minke whale, meat from Japanese coastal dolphins contains extremely high levels of
bioaccumulating toxins such as heavy metals and organochlorines.