

a variant form of bacterial
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The measurement of land was done correctly and the revenue was collected in good sense.33 Bacterian Greeks (187-70 BC) water wheel, founded by a Greek scientist Philon, was one of the great outcomes of the period and was used throughout the Asian countries.
Cattle and pig are the closest relatives of Bacterian camels, which belong to artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) in taxonomy (Bactrian Camels Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium et al., 2012).
In the circular, Julphar announced it has signed an agreement with Hualan Biological Bacterian Co Ltd - a provider of biopharmaceutical products, for the exclusive supply and marketing of a single shot H1N1 vaccine, which they plan to market across the Middle East and North Africa (Mena).
Snieszko (1974) observed that, in order to discuss the role of environmental stress agents in the development of infectious diseases in fishes (especially those of bacterian etiology), the relation between the noxious stimuli and the development of the disease must be considered.
The Bacterian camel is the only land mammal that can survive on salt water