audio response

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audio response

(Computer Science) a computer response that is audible rather than textual or graphical
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They take shape in a visual and audio response which highlight the day to day problems facing victims and carers.
"I called three offices of British Airways in Barcelona, London and Seoul, but all of the numbers failed to direct me to a service associate, and only delivered ARS (audio response system) messages confirming that my luggage had been delivered properly," Han told The Korea Times.
The range of audio response is wide, with very distinctly demarcated highs, mids and bass frequency deliveries.
In an audio response to written questions from the BBC's Pashto language service, reported yesterday on its website, Siraj Al Deen Haqqani also refuted allegations by Afghan officials that the group was responsible for killing former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani.
The BBC, which posted the comments on its website, said it conducted the interview by submitting written questions to Haqqani, who then recorded an audio response.
The BBC had passed on questions for the militant leader through an intermediary, who returned with the audio response, the Dawn reports.
12 mins LESSON 17 review, optical font, optical reader, page reader, MICR, MICR reader, hand-writing optical reader, audio response units, review, analog-digital, analog converter.