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1. Of or relating to an atom or atoms.
2. Of or employing nuclear energy: an atomic submarine; atomic weapons.
3. Very small; infinitesimal.

a·tom′i·cal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Other aspects of physical chemistry that studies discuss include atmospheric spectroscopy and photochemistry at environmental water interfaces, single-photon sources in atomically thin materials, the ultrafast dynamic microscopy of carrier and exciton transport, multi-reference theories of electron correlation based on the driven similarity renormalization group, chiral plasmonic nanostructures enabled by bottom-up approaches, and optical and physical probing of thermal processes in semiconductor and plasmonic nanocrystals.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Atomically thin materials could create heat-shields for cell phones or laptops that would protect people and temperature-sensitive components and make future electronic gadgets even more compact.
[USA], Aug 21 (ANI): Researchers revealed that in case of excessive heating of electronic devices, a few layers of atomically thin materials stacked up will not only provide insulation but also make gadgets more compact.
He continued: 'From a general perspective, this work enables the integration of high-quality, optically active, atomically thin material in a variety of applications, such as electronics, electro-catalysts, memory, and quantum computing applications.'
These technologies have been close to atomically precise during fabrication, but far from it when dispersed in an elastomer matrix, due to the incredibly complex nature of the polymers themselves.
Scientists at Rice University and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, have discovered a method to make atomically flat gallium that shows promise for nano-scale electronics.
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University are working on atomically thin transducer "drumheads" that can send and receive signals at radio frequencies even greater than those we can hear with our natural ear.
Lab-grown CVD diamonds are optically, structurally, chemically and atomically identical to naturally formed diamonds.
Atomically layered two-dimensional (2D) materials are intriguing for both electronic and optoelectronic applications, because of their unique electrical, optical, and mechanical properties [1-4].