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(ɑːx; æx)
an exclamation expressing pain
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I pulled on the jacket of one bending over Aamir but he stood up, shouting 'argh' again and slashed at me."
After a particularly trying time at school with ``weed,primrose and Violet the pilot'' ringing in my ears,I tried to change it into a more ``I'm-one-of-the-gang''kind of name.Letty,Vi, VeeVee(argh)!I gave up and asked Mum if I could call myself Liz.
Also of note: Three companies were delisted, two went private, two filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and one moved to (argh!) Texas.
Argh! My do-good concern had led me to out two women.
"The worst thing that could happen is he sees it's me, screams 'argh' and runs.
I always go to Luther when I'm at my grumpiest: 'Argh, I feel s**t, let's play some Luther!' If I do it when I'm happy, it would drag me down.
While everyone "ooohed" and "aaahed" over her fresh-faced look, for some of us, it was a case of "Oh" and "Argh", because, on closer inspection, it appears that going "make-up free" doesn't include concealer, blusher and eyebrow tint.
In May, Franco opened Argh! Comics and Hobbies in northeast Springfield with his fiancee, Adriana De La O.
When you see a pack of giant 6ft 7 stuntmen coming after you with huge staffs, you're just like, 'Argh!'" Contactmusic quoted her as telling Closer magazine.
Couples Retreat 15, 113 mins Triangle 15, 98 mins Pontypool 15, 92 mins ARGH! "Not more rom-com nonsense," I hear you cry.