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Related to arent: wasnt, ARNT


(ɑrnt, ˈɑr ənt)
1. contraction of are not.
2. contraction of am not (used interrogatively).
[as contraction of am not, a doublet of ain ' t (without raising of the vowel), sp. aren't by r-less speakers; ar was later substituted for the long a by rhotic speakers]
usage: The interrogative first-person use of aren't (I'm right, aren't I?) is objected to by some because a declarative counterpart, I aren't, does not exist. Others, however, who would not use ain't, still prefer aren't I to the rather formal alternative am I not. See also ain't.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Earlier, as an attorney for the Washington DC-based law firm of Arent, Fox LLP, he focused on transactions in regulated industries.
law firm Arent Fox LLP has merged with Boston, US-based law firm Posternak Blankstein and Lund LLP to mark Arent Fox's first expansion into the Boston market, the company said.
With the judgment in the Avenfield case having been reserved until Friday and Maryam and Mian Nawaz mulling coming back, they will be praying that they arent carried away in any sort of vehicle this time.
figure By OTIENO OTIENObr Electricity distributor Kenya Power has found itself under increased public scrutiny in recent months over its billing system.For starters, bitter complaints against the utility firm arent something new for a majority of customers who have, over the years, had nasty encounters with its meter readers or endured paying its so-called estimated bills.
Arizona schools arent perfect, but were making tremendous progress in the state, Benson said.
Nearly one-quarter of Americans arent saving and many dont know why
New York, NY, January 04, 2018 --( The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Jennifer White, Counsel, Arent Fox LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group's webcast entitled: "Anti-Money Laundering Due Diligence and Compliance: What You Should Know in 2018 and Beyond." This event is scheduled for March 6, 2018 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (ET).
Women arent property 2b owned.Its 2016 already stop embarrassing us.
NEW YORK, NY -- Arent Fox LLP secured a victory for Fortress Re Inc.--the aviation reinsurance agency that infamously insured the four planes that crashed on 9/11--after a New York district court dismissed a breach of contract claim in late March.
Caption: The LMA Capital Chapter recently held its annual half-day program titled, "Influencing the Client Experience." From left to right: Martin Gold, Strategic Marketing & Business Development Solutions; Rachel Shields Williams, Sidley Austin LLP; Tara Weintritt, Wicker Park Group; Laurie Paul, Steptoe & Johnson LLP; and Liz Gooch, Arent Fox.