"The Poetics of Political Failure: Eliot's
Antiliberalism in an American Context." Twentieth-Century Literature 62 (March 2016), 75-95.
[T]he 'new right,' neoliberalism, and neoconservatism--countless varieties of '
antiliberalism' ...-- would have emerged with or without Roe.
In The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound, Michael North identifies a thoroughgoing
antiliberalism as being fundamental to the aesthetic practices of all three writers in his book's title.
Bivins, The Fracture of Good Order: Christian
Antiliberalism and the Challenge to American Politics (2003).
(6) In late imperial Russia's courtrooms, an ironic situation emerged: state attorneys and judges were defenders of voluntarism and free will, whereas defense lawyers increasingly bought into newly emerging determinist theories that oscillated between
antiliberalism and liberalism.
Professor Steven Miller reveals that evangelicals, if not entrenched in civil rights as a social movement, remained vocally in favor of racial equality throughout, if they were prevented from embracing legal changes because of persistent
This was the precise sense in which Strauss sought "an horizon beyond liberalism." This differentiates Strauss sharply from the
antiliberalism of Nietzsche, Schmitt, and Heidegger.
(5.) This fantasy, which also appears in earlier studies of populism from the Marxist point of view, takes
antiliberalism at face value and simply assumes that less liberty is better for the people.
(18) While Schmitt uses this concept to vindicate his
(13) This model of successful cooperation between artists and political leaders of the revolution left a deep imprint on Valle-Inclan, whose
antiliberalism and traditionalism at first brought him closer but later distanced him from, several representative and non-representative forms of government.
"Carl Schmitt's
Antiliberalism: Its Theoretical and Historical Sources and Its Philosophical and Political Meaning." Cardozo Law Review 21 (2000): 1597-1617.
On Schmitt's anti-Semitic writings, see STEPHEN HOLMES, THE ANATOMY OF
ANTILIBERALISM 38-39, 50-53 (1993).