Previous research into the relationship between internalized homonegativity (the internalization of society's
antihomosexual attitudes) and HIV-related sexual risk has yielded mixed results (Berg, Munthe-Kaas & Ross, 2016).
He further explains, "While the
antihomosexual police officer can later be kept in check by the closet respecting judge or prosecutor, the judge or prosecutor is limited in her or his ability to stop the police officer from engaging in harassment in the first place" (p.
politics during the Cold War); John D'Emilio, The Homosexual Menace: The Politics of Sexuality in Cold War America, in PASSION AND POWER 226 (Kathy Peiss & Christina Simmons eds., 1989) (analyzing the
antihomosexual political campaigns during the 1950s).
In this context it is worth considering the impact on such rhetoric of one of the most prominent leaders influencing evangelical discussion and thought on gay issues the 1970's "
antihomosexual evangelist" Anita Bryant, whose focus on how these issues concern children continues to hold significance.
45), referring to the country's
antihomosexual laws and a legal system with courtrooms where the judge dons a scarlet robe, a crooked wig, and other remnants of the British past.
"We come from a land of heather, where men wear kilts and women blether - and don't leave home without an umbrella, be prepared for some Scottish weather!" He also made an important point in front of the watching world by kissing a man - hailed as a highprofile attack on the
antihomosexual legislation in 42 out of the 53 Commonwealth countries represented at the 2014 games.
antihomosexual picketing at military funeral protected by First
Religious orientation,
antihomosexual sentiment, and fundamentalism among Christians .Journalfor the Scientific Study of Religion, 38, 14-22.
La homofobia social representa, segun Davis y Neal (1996), a quienes toman una postura
antihomosexual, como era ya usado en la decada de los ochenta.
Antihomosexual laws and anti-homosexual practices appear to be functionally equivalent.
After the comprehensive introduction by the editors, the first two essays address the historical colonial provenance of both
antihomosexual legislation and transformations in understandings of sexuality that such laws contributed to.