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 (ə-nĕks′, ăn′ĕks′)
tr.v. an·nexed, an·nex·ing, an·nex·es
1. To append or attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing.
2. To incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a country, state, county, or city.
3. To add or attach, as an attribute, condition, or consequence.
n. (ăn′ĕks′, ăn′ĭks)
1. A building added on to a larger one or an auxiliary building situated near a main one.
2. An addition, such as an appendix, that is made to a record or other document.

[Middle English annexen, from Old French annexer, from Latin annectere, annex-, to connect : ad-, ad- + nectere, to bind; see ned- in Indo-European roots.]

an′nex·a′tion (ăn′ĭk-sā′shən) n.
an′nex·a′tion·al adj.
an′nex·a′tion·ism n.
an′nex·a′tion·ist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The US made annexationist noises--annexation would have made an attack on Hawaii an attack on the US--and ultimately Hawaii paid an indemnity and the situation cooled.
It is thus no surprise that this legislation has been slammed as anti-democratic, discriminatory, annexationist and unconstitutional.
In 1898, with benevolent annexationist activities extending from Cuba to the Philippines, the twentieth century began.
He fails to emphasize sufficiently, for example, the extent to which American continental expansion was driven by individuals rather than the state, as well as the resistance consistently shown by the Congress toward various annexationist projects (Texas, Hawaii, the Philippines).
American annexationist, real estate promoter and legless lawyer Enos Stutsman was the Fenian's defence attorney; see Dale Gibson, Attorney for the Frontier: Enos Stutsman, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1983:157-158.
In 1971, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meier "officially delineated new boundaries" encompassing captured territory, and likewise in August 1972, the Israeli Cabinet approved an "`openly annexationist' blueprint." Finkelstein argues that the Israeli refusal to negotiate left Egyptian President Sadat with only two options: unconditional surrender or war.
In fact the success of LaFontaine's party in forming the government in 1848 might well have brought to a quicker end Thomson's municipal system had it not been for the suburban politicians who associated themselves with the annexationist movement in 1849.