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The mathematics that describes how biology changes across these scales is called allometry (the same math is used to explain economies and traffic jams).
Some researchers investigated the relationship between weight and maximum consumed oxygen and proposed some equations to calculate V[O.sub.2]max based on weight and allometry equations.
Optimal foraging, not biogenetic law, predicts spider orb web allometry. Naturwissenschaften 100:263-268.
Since tree allometry varies from site to site [8], such equations may not be appropriate for the conditions of Maragua subcounty in terms of agro ecological zonation and the purpose for which the trees are grown.
His long answer encompasses complexity; empirical allometry; statistics, scaling, and simulations; allometry theories; strange kinetics; and fractional probability calculus.
To test allometry in the SH--TW relationships, a t-test (HO, b = 3) was performed with a confidence level of [+ or -]95% to confirm whether the values of "b" were significantly different from the isometric value, expressed by the equation:
Zero tilled wheat observed poor emergence, high weed infestation, poor allometry and grain yield while bed sown wheat resulted in earlier and higher emergence, lesser weed infestation, improved crop allometry and grain yield.
This implies that the hierarchical scaling law can be used to research the allometry and rank-size pattern of Chinese cities.
In ants, worker polymorphisms are classified into five types, that is, monomorphism, monophasic allometry, diphasic allometry, triphasic allometry, and complete dimorphism [9].
auratus and Glypothorax from Hanna lake was found to be positive allometry and regression co-efficient (b= 2.1 and 2.0), respectively.
Size at 50% maturity ([SM.sub.50]) could not be determined with chela or abdomen allometry, but [SM.sub.50] was estimated at 61.6 mm in carapace length for females on the basis of gonopore condition.