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the changing of (a consonantal speech sound) to an affricate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.affrication - the conversion of a simple stop consonant into an affricate
articulation - the aspect of pronunciation that involves bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech
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Al- Amin has indicated that during this meeting the executive engineers for the demarcation will be selected, adding that the committee has extended invitations to the affrication union to provide financing and logistic support.
ii) De-affrication (jorna) and affrication (panza).
This has interesting consequences for the peculiarities of Najdi speech, especially the affrication of [k] and [g] (i.e., qaf): only older speakers preserve it uniformly, while younger speakers, less inhibited by the conservatism and isolation of their elders, are tending to abandon it, and other types of accommodation are also becoming apparent in spite of the mutual antipathy.
An error characteristic of the students taking part in this sample, and also typical of Danish speakers in general, is that caused by affrication of /t/, namely releasing the consonant with an [s]-like off-glide, thus [[t.sup.s]] (Mees and Collins, 2000, p.
The affrication (palatalisation) of /k/ and /g/ before front vowels is mentioned as a characteristic of limited areas in Shetland.
in the word for 'water') and in the western dialects of Danish (the so-called vestjysk stod) and is reflected as preaspiration in Icelandic and Faroese (as well as in northern Scandinavian dialects) and under certain conditions as gemination (and sometimes affrication) in all North and West Germanic languages.
As to the phonology, it is interesting to note that g and k as a rule are not affricated, not even in the poems of the northern Jordanian poet, whose ancestors one hundred years ago probably used phonetically conditioned affrication in both.
Another sample analysis: Affrication in Northumbrian English
Most such languages also have greater affrication of apical alveolars than laminal dentals, as in Isako, but Dahalo has greater affrication of the laminal dentals (p.
According to Miller and Nicely (1961:174-175), when frequencies above 1000 cps are filtered out of the speech, the features of place of articulation and duration are effectively absent, leaving nasality, affrication, and voicing to do all the work.