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(ăd-văns′)v. ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing, ad·vanc·es
1. To cause to move forward: advance a chess piece.
2. To put forward; propose or suggest: advanced a novel theory during the seminar.
3. To aid the growth or progress of: advanced the cause of freedom.
4. To raise in rank; promote.
5. To cause to occur sooner: advance a deadline by one week.
6. To raise in amount or rate; increase.
7. To pay (money or interest) before due.
8. To supply or lend, especially on credit.
9. To serve as an advance person for (a trip to be made by a politician or a dignitary): "advanced the China trip during which the first trade agreements ... were signed" (Suzanne Perney).
10. Archaic To lift.
a. To go or move forward or onward.
b. To move against another, as when attacking: advance on the enemy's position.
2. To make progress; improve.
3. To rise in rank, position, or value.
4. To serve as an advance person for a trip to be made by a politician or a dignitary.
1. The act or process of moving or going forward.
2. A forward move, as toward an objective; a progressive step: an advance in genetic engineering.
3. An increase of price or value.
4. advances Opening approaches made to secure acquaintance, favor, or an agreement; overtures.
a. The furnishing of funds or goods on credit.
b. The funds or goods so furnished; a loan.
a. Payment of money before due: an advance on next month's salary.
b. The money so paid.
7. Preparation, especially publicity, done prior to the appearance of a public figure or the staging of a public event.
Idioms: 1. Made or given ahead of time: an advance payment.
2. Going before, in front, or forward.
in advance
Ahead of time; beforehand.
in advance of
In front of; ahead of.
[Middle English avauncen, from Old French avauncer, from Vulgar Latin *abantiāre, from Latin abante, from before : ab-, ab- + ante, before; see ant- in Indo-European roots.]
ad·vanc′er n.
Synonyms: advance, forward, foster, further, promote
These verbs mean to cause to move ahead or progress, as toward a goal: advance a worthy cause; forwarding their own interests; fostered friendly relations; furthering your career; efforts to promote sales.
These verbs mean to cause to move ahead or progress, as toward a goal: advance a worthy cause; forwarding their own interests; fostered friendly relations; furthering your career; efforts to promote sales.
Usage Note: When used as a noun, advance indicates forward movement (the advance of the army) or progress or improvement (an advance in molecular biology). Advancement is usually used figuratively to indicate promotion or movement beyond an established norm: career advancement. Unlike advance, advancement often implies the existence of an agent or outside force. Thus the advance of science means simply "the progress of science," whereas the advancement of science implies progress resulting from the action of an agent or force: The purpose of the legislation was the advancement of science.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. to go or bring forward in position
2. (foll by on) to move (towards) in a threatening manner
3. (tr) to present for consideration; suggest
4. to bring or be brought to a further stage of development; improve; further
5. (tr) to cause (an event) to occur earlier
6. (tr) to supply (money, goods, etc) beforehand, either for a loan or as an initial payment
7. to increase (a price, value, rate of occurrence, etc) or (of a price, etc) to be increased
8. (intr) to improve one's position; be promoted: he advanced rapidly in his job.
9. (tr) archaic to promote in rank, status, or position
10. forward movement; progress in time or space
11. improvement; progress in development
12. (Commerce) commerce
a. the supplying of commodities or funds before receipt of an agreed consideration
b. the commodities or funds supplied in this manner
c. (as modifier): an advance supply.
13. (Law) Also called: advance payment a money payment made before it is legally due: this is an advance on your salary.
14. (Banking & Finance) a loan of money
15. an increase in price, value, rate of occurrence, etc
16. a less common word for advancement1
17. in advance
a. beforehand: payment in advance.
b. (foll by of) ahead in time or development: ideas in advance of the time.
18. (modifier) forward in position or time: advance booking; an advance warning.
[C15: advauncen, altered (on the model of words beginning with Latin ad-) from C13 avauncen, via Old French from Latin abante from before, from ab- away from + ante before]
adˈvancer n
adˈvancingly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ædˈvæns, -ˈvɑns)v. -vanced, -vanc•ing,
n., adj. v.t.
1. to move or bring forward in position.
2. to bring into consideration; suggest; propose: to advance reasons for a tax cut.
3. to further the development, progress, or prospects of; forward: to advance one's interests.
4. to raise in rank; promote.
5. to raise in rate or amount; increase.
6. to bring forward in time; accelerate: to advance a deadline.
7. to furnish or supply (money or goods) on credit.
8. to schedule at a later time or date.
v.i. 9. to move or go forward; proceed.
10. to increase in quantity, value, price, etc.
11. to improve or make progress.
12. to grow or rise in importance, status, etc.
n. 13. a forward movement: the advance of the troops.
14. a development showing progress; step forward; improvement.
15. improvement; promotion; advancement.
16. Usu., advances.
a. attempts at forming an acquaintanceship, reaching an agreement, etc., made by one party; overtures.
b. actions or words intended to be sexually inviting.
17. a rise in price, value, etc.
a. a furnishing of something before an equivalent is received: an advance on one's salary.
b. the money or goods thus furnished.
19. news copy, a press release, etc., prepared before the event it describes has occurred.
20. publicity done before the appearance of a noted person, the opening of a theatrical performance, etc.
21. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine to generate the spark for ignition in each cylinder earlier in the cycle.
adj. 22. going or placed before: an advance guard.
23. made, given, or issued ahead of time: an advance payment; an advance copy of a speech.
Idioms: in advance, beforehand: Get your tickets in advance.
[1200–50; < Anglo-French, Old French avanc(i)er < Vulgar Latin *abantiāre, v. derivative of Late Latin abante in front (of)]
ad•vanc′er, n.
ad•vanc′ing•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: advanced
Gerund: advancing
Imperative |
advance |
advance |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Noun | 1. | advance - a movement forward; "he listened for the progress of the troops" change of location, travel - a movement through space that changes the location of something |
2. | advance - a change for the better; progress in development resurgence, revitalisation, revitalization, revival, revivification - bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture" elaboration, refinement - the result of improving something; "he described a refinement of this technique" conservation, preservation - an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change recovery - return to an original state; "the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid" | |
3. | advance - a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances" proffer, proposition, suggestion - a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse" | |
4. | advance - the act of moving forward (as toward a goal) movement, move, motion - the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path" push - an effort to advance; "the army made a push toward the sea" career, life history - the general progression of your working or professional life; "the general had had a distinguished career"; "he had a long career in the law" march - a steady advance; "the march of science"; "the march of time" clear sailing, easy going, plain sailing - easy unobstructed progress; "after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing" leapfrog - advancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors; "the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends" retreat - the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant) | |
5. | advance - an amount paid before it is earned amount, amount of money, sum, sum of money - a quantity of money; "he borrowed a large sum"; "the amount he had in cash was insufficient" | |
6. | advance - increase in price or value; "the news caused a general advance on the stock market" | |
Verb | 1. | advance - move forward, also in the metaphorical sense; "Time marches on" go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" forge - move ahead steadily; "He forged ahead" penetrate - make one's way deeper into or through; "The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest" string along, string - move or come along rachet up, ratchet, ratchet down - move by degrees in one direction only; "a ratcheting lopping tool" |
2. | advance - bring forward for consideration or acceptance; "advance an argument" | |
3. | advance - increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit" increase - make bigger or more; "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted" | |
4. | advance - contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom" connive at, wink at - give one's silent approval to spur - incite or stimulate; "The Academy was formed to spur research" help - contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries" carry - take further or advance; "carry a cause" feed - support or promote; "His admiration fed her vanity" conduce, contribute, lead - be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing" | |
5. | advance - cause to move forward; "Can you move the car seat forward?" move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" nose - advance the forward part of with caution; "She nosed the car into the left lane" back - cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot" | |
6. | advance - obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference" steal - steal a base | |
7. | advance - develop in a positive way; "He progressed well in school"; "My plants are coming along"; "Plans are shaping up" climb - improve one's social status; "This young man knows how to climb the social ladder" leapfrog - progress by large jumps instead of small increments develop - grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time" | |
8. | advance - develop further; "We are advancing technology every day" ameliorate, improve, meliorate, amend, better - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes" | |
9. | advance - give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work" assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person) tenure - give life-time employment to; "She was tenured after she published her book" bring up - promote from a lower position or rank; "This player was brought up to the major league" spot promote - promote on the spot; "Supreme Bishop Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel" brevet - promote somebody by brevet, in the military | |
10. | advance - pay in advance; "Can you advance me some money?" | |
11. | advance - move forward; "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward" set - set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments" | |
12. | advance - rise in rate or price; "The stock market gained 24 points today" | |
Adj. | 1. | advance - being ahead of time or need; "gave advance warning"; "was beforehand with her report" early - at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties" |
2. | advance - situated ahead or going before; "an advance party"; "at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies" front - relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. progress, proceed, go ahead, move up, come forward, go forward, press on, gain ground, make inroads, make headway, make your way, cover ground, make strides, move onward Rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
progress retreat, weaken, diminish, decrease, move back, lessen, regress
progress retreat, weaken, diminish, decrease, move back, lessen, regress
2. accelerate, speed, promote, hurry (up), step up (informal), hasten, precipitate, quicken, bring forward, push forward, expedite, send forward Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process.
3. improve, rise, grow, develop, reform, pick up, progress, thrive, upgrade, multiply, prosper, make strides The country has advanced from a rural society to an industrial power.
4. suggest, offer, present, propose, allege, cite, advocate, submit, prescribe, put forward, proffer, adduce, offer as a suggestion Many theories have been advanced as to why this is.
suggest hide, suppress, withhold, hold back
suggest hide, suppress, withhold, hold back
1. down payment, increase (in price), credit, loan, fee, deposit, retainer, prepayment She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels.
2. attack, charge, strike, rush, assault, raid, invasion, offensive, onslaught, advancement, foray, incursion, forward movement, onward movement They simulated an advance on enemy positions.
3. improvement, development, gain, growth, breakthrough, advancement, step, headway, inroads, betterment, furtherance, forward movement, amelioration, onward movement Air safety has not improved since the advances of the 1970s.
4. increase, rise, development, gain, growth, boost, addition, expansion, extension, enlargement, escalation, upsurge, upturn, increment, intensification, augmentation They clocked up a worldwide sales advance of 27 per cent.
plural noun
1. overtures, moves, offer, approach, proposal, come-on (informal), invitation, proposition She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.
1. expeditionary, first, leading, test, forward, trial, in front, preliminary, foremost, exploratory a 20-strong advance party
2. prior, early, previous, beforehand The event received little advance publicity.
in advance beforehand, earlier, ahead, previously, in the lead, in the forefront The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb1. To go forward, especially toward a conclusion:
2. To state, as an idea, for consideration:
5. To attain a higher status, rank, or condition:
Idiom: go up the ladder.
1. Forward movement:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَقَدُّمسَلَفسَلَفَاًسُلْفَه، تَسْلِيفمُحَاوَلَة لِكَسْب صَدَاقَةأو لِأغْرَاء
zálohazlepšitpokročitpokrokpokus o sblížení
forskudrykke fremtilnærmelseforskuds-fortrops-
elõre fizetettelõre toltelõrehaladáspróbálkozás
framliîframsókn, framfarirfyrirfram-fyrirframgreiîslalána
avansasduoti paskoląiš ankstoišankstinisišmokėti avansą
predvojovývyplatiť vopred
avanceraförskott (n)
tạm ứngtiền tạm ứng
[ədˈvɑːns]A. N
1. (= forward movement) → avance m
the rapid advance of the Russian army → el rápido avance de las tropas rusas
the rapid advance of the Russian army → el rápido avance de las tropas rusas
2. (= progress) (in science, technology) → avance m, adelanto m; [of disease] → avance m
an important scientific advance → un importante avance or adelanto científico
the rapid advance of modern industrial society → el vertiginoso desarrollo de la sociedad industrial moderna
with the advance of old age → según se va/iba envejeciendo
an important scientific advance → un importante avance or adelanto científico
the rapid advance of modern industrial society → el vertiginoso desarrollo de la sociedad industrial moderna
with the advance of old age → según se va/iba envejeciendo
3. [of money]
3.1. (= initial payment) → anticipo m, adelanto m
she was paid a £530,000 advance for her next novel → le dieron un anticipo or adelanto de 530.000 libras por su próxima novela
she was paid a £530,000 advance for her next novel → le dieron un anticipo or adelanto de 530.000 libras por su próxima novela
3.2. (on salary) could you give me an advance? → ¿me podría dar un anticipo?
she got an advance on her salary → consiguió que le anticiparan parte del sueldo
she got an advance on her salary → consiguió que le anticiparan parte del sueldo
3.3. (= loan) → préstamo m
4. (= rise) (in prices) → alza f, aumento m
any advance on £15? (in auction) → ¿alguien ofrece más de 15 libras?, 15 libras ¿alguien da más?
any advance on £15? (in auction) → ¿alguien ofrece más de 15 libras?, 15 libras ¿alguien da más?
5. advances (amorous) → insinuaciones fpl (Pol) → intentos mpl de acercamiento
to make advances to or toward(s) sb (amorous) → insinuarse a algn, hacer insinuaciones a algn
she accused him of making unwanted sexual advances → lo acusó de insinuaciones sexuales indebidas
she rejected his advances → no hizo caso de sus insinuaciones
to make advances to or toward(s) sb (amorous) → insinuarse a algn, hacer insinuaciones a algn
she accused him of making unwanted sexual advances → lo acusó de insinuaciones sexuales indebidas
she rejected his advances → no hizo caso de sus insinuaciones
6. in advance: to let sb know a week in advance → avisar a algn con ocho días de antelación
to book in advance → reservar con antelación
the dish may be made in advance → el plato puede prepararse con anterioridad
in advance of to arrive in advance of sb → llegar antes que algn
to be in advance of one's time → adelantarse a su época, estar por delante de su época
to pay in advance → pagar por adelantado
to send sb on in advance → mandar a algn por delante
thanking you in advance → agradeciéndole de antemano
to book in advance → reservar con antelación
the dish may be made in advance → el plato puede prepararse con anterioridad
in advance of to arrive in advance of sb → llegar antes que algn
to be in advance of one's time → adelantarse a su época, estar por delante de su época
to pay in advance → pagar por adelantado
to send sb on in advance → mandar a algn por delante
thanking you in advance → agradeciéndole de antemano
1. (= move forward) [+ time, date, clock] → adelantar (Mil) [+ troops] → avanzar
it advances the ageing process → acelera el envejecimiento
it advances the ageing process → acelera el envejecimiento
2. (= further) [+ plan, knowledge] → potenciar; [+ interests] → promover, fomentar; [+ career] → promocionar; [+ cause, claim] → promover; [+ person] (in career) → ascender (to a) he has done much to advance our understanding of music → ha contribuido mucho a potenciar nuestros conocimientos musicales
1. (= move forward) → avanzar
the advancing enemy army → el ejército enemigo que avanza
she advanced across the room → avanzó hacia el otro lado de la habitación
to advance on sth/sb (gen) → acercarse a algo/algn, avanzar hacia algo/algn
to advance on sth (Mil) → avanzar sobre algo
the advancing enemy army → el ejército enemigo que avanza
she advanced across the room → avanzó hacia el otro lado de la habitación
to advance on sth/sb (gen) → acercarse a algo/algn, avanzar hacia algo/algn
to advance on sth (Mil) → avanzar sobre algo
2. (= progress) [science, technology] → progresar, adelantarse; [work, society] → avanzar; [career] → progresar; [person, pupil] → hacer progresos, progresar; (in rank) → ascender (to a)
her film career was advancing nicely → su carrera cinematográfica progresaba bien or iba por muy buen camino
despite his advancing years he was a good player → a pesar de su edad (avanzada) era un buen jugador
with advancing years one forgets → con el paso de los años uno se olvida
her film career was advancing nicely → su carrera cinematográfica progresaba bien or iba por muy buen camino
despite his advancing years he was a good player → a pesar de su edad (avanzada) era un buen jugador
with advancing years one forgets → con el paso de los años uno se olvida
3. (Fin) (= rise) [price] → subir
D. CPD advance booking N → reserva f anticipada, reserva f por anticipado
"advance booking advisable" → se recomienda que reserven por adelantado
advance booking office N (Brit) → taquilla f (de reservas or venta anticipada)
advance copy N [of book] → ejemplar m de muestra; [of speech] → copia f (del discurso)
advance guard N (= reconnaissance group) → avanzada f; (= lookouts) → avanzadilla f; (= mobile unit) → brigada f móvil
advance man N (US) (Pol) responsable de una campaña política
advance notice N → aviso m previo
meals can be provided with advance notice → con aviso previo, se preparan comidas
advance party N (= reconnaissance group) → avanzada f; (= lookouts) → avanzadilla f
advance payment N → anticipo m
advance publicity N → promoción f (antes del estreno, lanzamiento, etc)
advance warning N → aviso m previo
"advance booking advisable" → se recomienda que reserven por adelantado
advance booking office N (Brit) → taquilla f (de reservas or venta anticipada)
advance copy N [of book] → ejemplar m de muestra; [of speech] → copia f (del discurso)
advance guard N (= reconnaissance group) → avanzada f; (= lookouts) → avanzadilla f; (= mobile unit) → brigada f móvil
advance man N (US) (Pol) responsable de una campaña política
advance notice N → aviso m previo
meals can be provided with advance notice → con aviso previo, se preparan comidas
advance party N (= reconnaissance group) → avanzada f; (= lookouts) → avanzadilla f
advance payment N → anticipo m
advance publicity N → promoción f (antes del estreno, lanzamiento, etc)
advance warning N → aviso m previo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ədˈvɑːns] n
(= forward movement) → avance f
in advance [book, prepare, notify, agree, plan, decide] → à l'avance; [pay] → d'avance
They bought the tickets in advance → Ils ont acheté les billets à l'avance.
He arrived half an hour in advance → Il arriva une demi-heure à l'avance.
in advance of → avant
They bought the tickets in advance → Ils ont acheté les billets à l'avance.
He arrived half an hour in advance → Il arriva une demi-heure à l'avance.
in advance of → avant
(= improvement) → progrès m
advances in sth → des progrès dans qch
advances in air safety → les progrès de la sécurité aérienne
advances in sth → des progrès dans qch
advances in air safety → les progrès de la sécurité aérienne
advances npl (= overtures) (gen) → propositions fpl; (amorous) → avances fpl
to make advances to sb (gen) → faire des propositions à qn; (amorously) → faire des avances à qn
to make advances to sb (gen) → faire des propositions à qn; (amorously) → faire des avances à qn
(= put forward) [+ theory, explanation, argument] → avancer
[+ money] → avancer
(= promote) [+ cause, interests] → promouvoir
(= move forward) [+ process] → accélérer
(= move forward) [person, troops] → avancer
The troops are advancing → Les troupes avancent.
to advance on sth → avancer sur qch
Troops are advancing on the capital → Les troupes avancent sur la capitale.
The troops are advancing → Les troupes avancent.
to advance on sth → avancer sur qch
Troops are advancing on the capital → Les troupes avancent sur la capitale.
(= make progress) [technology, understanding] → progresser
Technology has advanced a lot → La technologie a beaucoup progressé.
Technology has advanced a lot → La technologie a beaucoup progressé.
[water level] → monteradvance booking n
Advance booking is essential → Il est indispensable de réserver.
"advance booking advisable" → "il est conseillé de réserver à l'avance"
Advance booking is essential → Il est indispensable de réserver.
"advance booking advisable" → "il est conseillé de réserver à l'avance"
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= progress) → Fortschritt m
(= movement forward, of old age) → Voranschreiten nt; (of science) → Weiterentwicklung f; (of sea, ideas) → Vordringen nt; with the advance of old age → mit fortschreitendem Alter
advances pl (amorous, fig) → Annäherungsversuche pl
in advance → im Voraus; (temporal also) → vorher; to send somebody on in advance → jdn vorausschicken; £10 in advance → £ 10 als Vorschuss; thanking you in advance → mit bestem Dank im Voraus; to arrive in advance of the others → vor den anderen ankommen; to be (well) in advance of somebody/one’s time → jdm/seiner Zeit (weit) voraus sein
(= move forward) date, time → vorverlegen; the dancer slowly advances one foot → die Tänzerin setzt langsam einen Fuß vor
(= further) work, project → voran- or weiterbringen, förderlich sein für; cause, interests, career → fördern; knowledge → vergrößern; (= accelerate) growth → vorantreiben; (= promote) employee etc → befördern
(= put forward) reason, opinion, plan → vorbringen
(= raise) prices → anheben
(Mil) → vorrücken; government troops are advancing against the rebels → die Regierungstruppen rücken weiter gegen die Rebellen vor
(= move forward) → vorankommen; to advance toward(s) somebody/something → auf jdn/etw zugehen; to advance upon somebody → drohend auf jdn zukommen; as the sea advances over the rocks → während die See über die Felsen vordringt; old age is advancing on all of us → wir alle nähern uns dem Alter
(fig: = progress) → Fortschritte pl → machen; we’ve advanced a long way since those days → wir sind seither ein gutes Stück voran- or weitergekommen; the work is advancing well → die Arbeit macht gute Fortschritte; are we advancing toward(s) some kind of solution? → kommen wir irgend einer Lösung näher?; as mankind advances in knowledge → während die Menschheit an Wissen gewinnt
:advance booking
advance booking office
n (Theat) → Vorverkaufsstelle f
advance copy
n → Vorausexemplar nt, → Vorabdruck m
:advance guard
n → Vorhut f
advance man
n (US Pol) → Wahlhelfer m
:advance notice
n → frühzeitiger Bescheid; (of sth bad) → Vorwarnung f; to be given advance → frühzeitig Bescheid/eine Vorwarnung erhalten
advance party
n (Mil, fig) → Vorhut f
advance payment
n → Vorauszahlung f
advance publicity
n → Vorabwerbung f
advance warning
n = advance notice
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ədˈvɑːns]1. vt
a. (move forward, time, date) → anticipare; (further, plan, knowledge) (Mil) (troops) → far avanzare; (promote, interests) → favorire; (person, in career) → promuovere
b. (idea, suggestion, claim) → avanzare
2. vi (move forward, also) (Mil) → avanzare; (science, technology) → fare progressi, progredire; (civilization, mankind) → migliorare, fare progressi
to advance on sb (threateningly) → avanzare contro qn
to advance on sb (threateningly) → avanzare contro qn
3. n
a. (Mil) → avanzata (fig) (progress) → passo (in) avanti, progresso
the advance of old age → l'avanzare dell'età or degli anni
recent advances in technology → i recenti progressi della tecnica
to make advances to sb (gen) → tentare un approccio con qn (amorously) → fare delle avances a qn
in advance → in anticipo
to arrive in advance of sb → arrivare in anticipo su qn or prima di qn
to send sth a week in advance → spedire qc con una settimana di anticipo
the advance of old age → l'avanzare dell'età or degli anni
recent advances in technology → i recenti progressi della tecnica
to make advances to sb (gen) → tentare un approccio con qn (amorously) → fare delle avances a qn
in advance → in anticipo
to arrive in advance of sb → arrivare in anticipo su qn or prima di qn
to send sth a week in advance → spedire qc con una settimana di anticipo
b. (loan) advance (on) → anticipo (su); (from bank) → anticipazione f bancaria (su)
4. adj (payment, booking) → anticipato/a; (copy of book) → distribuito/a in anticipo
we weren't given any advance warning of his visit → non ci avevano dato nessun preavviso del suo arrivo
we weren't given any advance warning of his visit → non ci avevano dato nessun preavviso del suo arrivo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ədˈvaːns) verb1. to move forward. The army advanced towards the town; Our plans are advancing well; He married the boss's daughter to advance (= improve) his chances of promotion.
2. to supply (someone) with (money) on credit. The bank will advance you $500.
noun1. moving forward or progressing. We've halted the enemy's advance; Great advances in medicine have been made in this century.
2. a payment made before the normal time. Can I have an advance on my salary?
3. (usually in plural) an attempt at (especially sexual) seduction.
adjective1. made etc before the necessary or agreed time. an advance payment.
2. made beforehand. an advance booking.
3. sent ahead of the main group or force. the advance guard.
advanced adjective having made a lot of progress; at a high level. an advanced computer course; in the advanced stages of the illness.
in advance1. before(hand). Can you pay me in advance?
2. in front. I've been sent on in advance (of the main force).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ سَلَف, يَتَقَدَّمُ postupovat, záloha forskud, rykke frem vorantreiben, Vorschuss πρόοδος, προχωρώ anticipo, avance, avanzar edetä, eteneminen avance, avancer avans, napredovati avanzamento, avanzare 前進, 前進する 선금, 진군하다 voorschot, voortbewegen forskudd, rykke frem postęp, posunąć się naprzód adiantamento, avançar аванс, продвигаться avancera, förskott (n) ก้าวหน้า, ความก้าวหน้า avans, ilerlemek tạm ứng, tiền tạm ứng 前进Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt. avanzar, adelantar, pasar adelante;
in ___ → por adelantado.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- I sent my luggage on ahead (US)
I sent my luggage on in advance (UK) - Do I need to reserve in advance? (US)
Do I need to book in advance? (UK) - Do I pay in advance?
- Can I get a cash advance with my credit card?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009