That this (j) doth not appeare to be so, because then there might be as much reason to expect the like in other things that are of positive Constitution, as the form of their Government, their Municipall Laws, the variety of the Methods of
acquest and translation of property, and (k) besides there hath not been that Universality (l) of Mutuall Convers between many distint Nations, (m) which yet have accorded in the same common Sentiments of morality, have (n) been either by the help of (o) intercourse & commerce, (p) imitation, or (q) some /fol.
Dennis Randazzo - a Portland broker who represents one site, Marcola Meadows in Springfield - has filed an appeal of the Eugene City Council's decision that a VA clinic would be allowed on land zoned "campus industrial."
Acquest Development, a developer based in Buffalo, N.Y., wants to build the VA clinic on campus industrial-zoned land owned by Guard Publishing in north Eugene.
Miller talks of fairness in terms of 'marital
acquest' - that is, the extent to which wealth increased during the course of the marriage.
Bloomfield Hills-based
Acquest Realty Advisors Inc.
And LJL Biosystems'
Acquest UHTS system can screen over 200,000 wells per day.
Hungarian geotextile producer TVK/Tiszachem and Dutch geotextile marketing company
Acquest Trading have joined forces in a new marketing joint venture.
83v/ possibly much may be said to maintain a secondary Law of Nature for the
acquest of property by the first possession or occupation, because that in as much as before the institution of the Laws of property it is admitted, that all have an equal right to all things, the Man that hath acquir'd the first possesion hath some what (g) superadded to that primitive right in common, that puts him in a better condition, than any other & to his interest in common, there is superadded somewhat by his industry that another hath not namely a prior possession; And the same may be said in reason of such acquisitions that are made by Art or industry whereby the things so acquired are in some kind become his Effects as by planting, Semination Culture, artificial (h) Manufactures and the like;
Appeals to the state land use board generally take up to five or six months, said Eugene attorney Bill Kloos, who represents
Acquest. So the appeal might further delay VA's siting process, which is stretching into a third year.
Acquest International LP represented the vendor in this transaction.Country: , USASector: Business and Consumer ServicesTarget: Compliance LPBuyer: System One Holdings LLCVendor: Randstad Holding NV, Randstad Professionals US LPType: Corporate acquisitionStatus: Closed
The resolution is meant to help
Acquest Development, a Buffalo, N.Y.-based developer, that wants to build a VA clinic on campus industrial-zoned property owned by Guard Publishing Co.
Acquest Development of Buffalo, N.Y., received notice last week that it's also in the running to build the clinic on property in north Eugene that's owned by Guard Publishing Co., publisher of The Register-Guard.