above board
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above board
adj, adv (aboveboard when prenominal)
in the open; without dishonesty, concealment, or fraud
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above board
1. honest, straight, frank, square, genuine, proper, legitimate, straightforward, authentic, open, true, upright, honourable, overt, candid, truthful, forthright, upfront (informal), trustworthy, on the level (informal), bona fide, kosher (informal), dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal), fair and square, guileless, on the up and up, veracious, honest to goodness His financial dealings were always above board.
honest secret, crooked, sly, secretive, shady, fraudulent, dishonest, deceptive, clandestine, devious, sneaky, furtive, deceitful, underhand
honest secret, crooked, sly, secretive, shady, fraudulent, dishonest, deceptive, clandestine, devious, sneaky, furtive, deceitful, underhand
1. honestly, frankly, truly, legitimately, legally, uprightly, openly, cleanly, overtly, in good faith, ethically, truthfully, candidly, lawfully, honourably, straightforwardly, forthrightly, by fair means, with clean hands, without guile, veraciously It was clear that they had acted above board.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002