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- Traces back to Old English bove, first meaning "north" and later taking the meaning of "overhead."above
overIf something is higher than something else, you can say that the first thing is above or over the second thing.
If one thing is much higher than another thing, or there is a lot of space between them, you usually use above.
You usually use over when one thing is at a higher level than another thing, and the first thing is moving.
Above and over are both used to talk about measurements, for example, when you are talking about a point that is higher than another point on a scale.
Be Careful!
Don't use above in front of a number when you are talking about a quantity or number of things or people. For example, don't say 'She had above thirty pairs of shoes'. You say 'She had over thirty pairs of shoes' or 'She had more than thirty pairs of shoes'.
You use over to say that a distance or period of time is longer than the one mentioned.
Noun | 1. | above - an earlier section of a written text; "for instructions refer to the above" section, subdivision - a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section" |
Adj. | 1. | above - appearing earlier in the same text; "flaws in the above interpretation" preceding - existing or coming before |
Adv. | 1. | above - at an earlier place; "see above" below - at a later place; "see below" |
2. | above - in or to a place that is higher |
over under, below, beneath, underneath
senior to less than, lesser than, lower than, subordinate to, inferior to
[əˈbʌv]God, who is in heaven above → Dios en las alturas, Dios que vive en el reino de los cielos
the gods above → los dioses en las alturas
those above → los de más categoría
orders from above → órdenes fpl superiores or de arriba
there was a picture above the fireplace → había un cuadro encima de la chimenea
above the clouds → encima de las nubes
above ground: they were trapped 150ft above ground → estaban atrapados a una altura de 150 pies sobre el nivel del suelo
vegetables that grow above ground → las verduras que crecen en la superficie
2,000 metres above sea level → 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar
I couldn't hear above the din → no podía oír con tanto ruido
he values honesty above all else → ante todo valora la honestidad
he was, above all else, a musician → era, ante todo, un músico
see also station A4
he's not above a bit of blackmail → es capaz hasta del chantaje
to get above o.s → pasarse (de listo)
there were not above 40 people → no había más de 40 personas
any number above 12 → cualquier número superior a 12
she can't count above ten → no sabe contar más allá de diez
children above seven years of age → los niños mayores de siete años
temperatures above 40 degrees → temperaturas fpl por encima de los 40 grados
temperatures well above normal → temperaturas fpl muy superiores a las normales
wage rises of 3% above inflation → aumentos mpl de sueldo de un 3% por encima del nivel de inflación
see also average B
[əˈbʌv]birds in the trees above → les oiseaux dans les arbres au-dessus
the flat above → l'appartement au-dessus
from above → d'en haut
view from above → vue plongeante
orders from above → ordres venus d'en haut, ordres d'en haut
pupils aged 15 and above → les élèves à partir de 15 ans
Tickets are available at £5 and above → Les tickets sont disponibles à partir de 5 livres.
the flat above mine → l'appartement au-dessus du mien
He put his hands above his head → Il a mis ses mains au-dessus de sa tête.
children above seven years of age → les enfants de plus de sept ans
above 40 degrees → plus de quarante degrés
costing above £10 → coûtant plus de 10 livres
the people above you in the government → les personnes au-dessus de vous dans le gouvernement
to be above sth → être au-dessus de qch
He thinks he's above all that → Il pense qu'il est au-dessus de ça.
to be above suspicion → être au-dessus de tout soupçon
to be above criticism → être au-dessus de toute critique
to get above oneself (British) → se croire supérieur(e)
the above → ce qui précède
Details of all the above can be found on our website → Vous pouvez trouver plus de détails sur ce qui précède sur notre site internet.
any of the above (people) → l'une des personnes mentionnées ci-dessus; (things) → l'une des choses mentionnées ci-dessus
none of the above (people) → aucune des personnes mentionnées ci-dessus; (things) → aucune des choses mentionnées ci-dessusabove board above-board, aboveboard [əˌbʌvˈbɔːrd] adj [person] → honnête; [action, arrangement, deal] → honnêteabove-ground [əˌbʌvˈgraʊnd] adj [pool, car park] → extérieur(e), en plein airabove-mentioned [əˌbʌvˈmɛnʃənd] adj → mentionné(e) ci-dessus
[əˈbʌv]mentioned above → summenzionato/a
the flat above → l'appartamento di sopra or al piano di sopra
from above → dall'alto
the clouds above → le nuvole sovrastanti
children of 7 years or above → ragazzi dai 7 anni in su or a partire dai 7 anni
orders from above → ordini superiori or (che vengono) dall'alto
the address above → l'indirizzo di cui sopra
above all → soprattutto
above the clouds → al di sopra delle nuvole
the Thames above London → il Tamigi a monte di Londra
2,000 metres above sea level → 2.000 metri sopra il livello del mare
he is above me in rank → ha un grado superiore al mio
I couldn't hear above the din → non riuscivo a sentire in mezzo a or attraverso tutto quel frastuono
she's above that sort of thing → è superiore a queste cose
he's not above a bit of blackmail → non rifuggirebbe dal ricatto
it's above me → è troppo complicato per me, è al di sopra delle mie possibilità
to get above o.s. → montarsi la testa
children above 7 years of age → ragazzi al di sopra dei 7 anni (di età)
costing above £10 → più caro di 10 sterline