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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Indian Civil Service
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a suffix of nouns that denote a body of facts, knowledge, principles, etc., usu. corresponding to adjectives ending in -ic or -ical: ethics; physics; politics; tactics.
[pl. of -ic, representing Latin -ica]
usage: Nouns ending in -ics that name fields of study, sciences, arts, professions, or the like are usu. not preceded by an article and are used with a singular verb: Acoustics (the science) deals with sound. Politics (the art of government) fascinates me. In certain uses, often when preceded by a determiner like the, his, her, or their, most of these nouns can take a plural verb: The acoustics (the sound-reflecting qualities) of the hall are splendid. Their politics (political opinions) have antagonized everyone.


International College of Surgeons.
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References in periodicals archive ?
HCD MS/MS spectra of NF-M phosphopeptides containing Ser30, Ser346, Ser615/620, Ser628/633/641/646/ 654/659, Ser680/685, Ser736, and Ser837, were manually validated, and the AUCs of XICs matching these peptides were generated (Figure S1A-S1G).
Moreover, only a few spectra of the glycosylated peptide could be detected and the XICs were of very low signal intensity (data not shown).
Manresa, K & Dusster, D 2010, The Heart of Barca XICS, a solidarity project, Barcelona: Angle Editorial
Relative quantification was accomplished by integrating the peak area of extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) from the primary (MS1) mass spectra.
Quantitative analysis is based on extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) and resulting precursor ion peak areas for each peptide M, M+1, and M+2, the first, second, and third isotope peak of the isotopic envelope.
Data were imported into MultiQuant (version 1.1; Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex) or Skyline (version 0.5; http://proteome.gs.washington.edu/software/skyline) (30), where XICs were integrated to generate an exportable table containing the following necessary sample information: sample name, concentration, replicate number, peptide and transition (precursor/ product ion) information, peak area of analyte, and peak area of SIS peptide transitions.