winter garden

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winter garden

1. (Horticulture) a garden of evergreen plants and plants that flower in winter
2. (Building) a conservatory in which flowers are grown in winter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"Show me the ballroom," he ordered, "and the winter garden."
The Prince found her alone in the winter garden, for Somerfield, when he had seen him coming, had stolen away.
Electric lights sparkled from the ceiling, through the pillared way the ceaseless splashing of water from the fountains in the winter garden seemed like a soft undernote to the murmur of voices, the musical peals of laughter, the swirl of skirts, and the rhythm of flying feet.
He led her toward the winter garden. They sat by a fountain, listening to the cool play of the water.
'But you must not go till you have seen the conservatory, my aunt's winter garden,' said Helen, as I advanced to take leave of her, with as much philosophy and self-command as I could summon to my aid.
Then he led Helene once more into the winter gardens.
The Prime Minister was somewhere in the winter gardens.
They strolled together after the other guests into the winter gardens, which were the envy of every hostess in London.
18; an exhibit at the World Financial Center Winter Garden adjacent to the World Trade Center site; a video presentation featuring interviews with the designers; public meetings, including a large-scale public meeting at Pace University in Lower Manhattan and a public meeting in New Jersey; and the presentation of the plans online, where comments can also be submitted.
Lying to the north of the mansion and set among newly planted wild meadows, the seed bank adds to the attractions with a winter garden and parterre open to the public.
TFor 10 nights only, from December 13 to December 22, the renowned Lantern Company will entertain all with brandnew illuminations, created especially for The Secret Winter Garden.