
(redirected from Vermicomposting)
Related to Vermicomposting: Vermiculture, Worm composting


intr.v. ver·mi·com·post·ed, ver·mi·com·post·ing, ver·mi·com·posts
To make compost by providing organic waste as a food source to earthworms and then collecting their excrement.
Compost created in this manner.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In RSA known from composting hips, vermicomposting farms, nurseries, around barns and from rich decaying organic matter.
They also offer composting, vermicomposting (composting using earthworms); degrading (turning food waste entirely into safe grey water using micro-organisms) and solutions to reduce glass waste up to 1/7 of its original volume, cutting waste disposal costs substantially.
He presents chapters on biodiversity, renewable energy, bioremediation technology, phytoremediation, recombinant DNA technology and applications, genetic engineering for remediation of pollution, pollution abatement, solid waste management, composting, vermicomposting, biofertilizers, chemical pesticides, biological control of pests, biopesticides, integrated pest management, genetically modified organisms in the environment, biosafety, bioethics and risk assessment, intellectual property rights, bioinformatics for environmental cleanup, and environmental nanotechnology.
Among those steps is mastering a whole variety of new skills--things like straw bale construction, vermicomposting, making yogurt, starting sourdough, preserving food, keeping chickens.
In the recent years, variety of earthworms such as Eisenia foetida, Eisenia anderi, Perionyx excavatus have been used for the vermicomposting of wastes of solid textile mill sludge [7,8], municipal solid waste [9], petrochemical sludge [10], sewage sludge [11].
When I had to replace the rotted foundation boards of my greenhouse with four-inch block, therefore, I extended the renovation for a scaled-up vermicomposting operation to suit my ambitions.
Vermicomposting, which takes place in special bins, works because in good conditions worms can eat at least their own weight in organic matter in a day, and their excretions are excellent fertiliser.
Biological processes such as composting followed by vermicomposting to convert vegetable waste (as valuable nutrient source) in agriculturally useful organic fertilizer would be of great benefit.
The 20 eight-year-olds partnered with the city, foundations, and government agencies on their effort to promote awareness of the benefits of recycling and vermicomposting, which included an interactive CD-ROM and a fiction book, Diary of a Red Worm ...
The aggressive waste collection, recycling and vermicomposting programs are estimated to divert approximately 250 tons of waste from landfills.
To set up a worm system, called vermicomposting, first determine how much waste you go through in a week.
He sells three different types of worms; carries a line of worm bins and vermicomposting bins; books and tapes and gives lectures and demonstrations.