

vb (tr)
to free from a dam
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Liszt's arrangement of Wagner's Solemn March to the Holy Grail from Parsifal was the perfect introduction to Busoni's coruscating version of Liszt's monumental organ work the Fantasy and Fugue on Ad nos, ad salutarem undam.
Gordon says the organ work is in the mould of Liszt's Fantasia and Fugue on Ad nos ad salutarem undam.
So, for example, at 2.4.9, qui deae vestigio discurrens in lenem vibratur undam, Zimmerman's apparatus reads (in part) "discurrentes v (de Buxis)" where Helm simply writes "discurrentes u." It is Zimmerman's belief that these manuscripts and early editions need more attention and that further research could lead to a better understanding of the relationships among these versions and F, and a revision of the stemma.
Prigioniera in Epiro, tributa onori funebri al suo grande marito, l'eroe troiano, su un fiumicello che imita il Simoenta, il famoso fiume della Troade: cosi la incontra Enea, mentre falsi Simoentis ad undam / libat cineri, presso Hectoreum tumulum, per lei motivo di pianto (causam lacrimis), e racconta poi all'eroe pius di trascinare in prigionia la vita di travaglio in travaglio (Vivo equidem vitamque extrema per omnia duco), dopo aver subito il sorteggio tra i vincitori greci ed essere toccata al letto di un padrone trionfante (victoris cubile) per poi essere beffardamente consegnata da possedere a Eleno (me famulo famulamque Heleno trasmisit hebendam).
* Stopping False Solutions like Mega Hydro: Indigenous communities along the Klamath River forced Pacificorp Power company to agree to 'Undam the Klamath' by the year 2020, in order to restore the river's natural ecosystems, salmon runs and traditional land-use capacity.
Nam maxima exercitus multitudo undam lauacri salutaris expetit, et ecclesia ad diem resurrectionis dominicae frondibus contexta conponitur, atque in expeditione campestri instar ciuitatis aptatur.
To make it usable for the brigade, engineers had to undam several points on the canal to get the water to within 2 1/2 miles of the camp.
procul ecce canoro demigrant Helicone deae quatiuntque novena lampade sollemnem thalamis coeuntibus ignem et de Pieriis vocalem fontibus undam. quas inter vultu petulans Elegea propinquat celsior assueto divasque hortatur et ambit alternum furata pedem, decimamque videri se cupit et mediis fallit permixta sorores.
The result totals some forty-five minutes of music, and if we add the huge organ work Fantasie und Fuge uber den Choral "Ad nos ad salutarem undam" (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1850), referred to by Liszt as the fourth "illustration" on the title page of the four-hand piano version published in the same year, we can see that Liszt wrote far more music based on this opera than on any other composition.