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(Gambling, except Cards) chiefly Austral a gambling game in which two coins are tossed or spun. Bets are made on both coins landing with the same face uppermost
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


A formation with two elements disposed abreast; the remaining element(s) in rear.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
Two-up: Greg Ashley and Samantha Anderson (Team Jewson) 23-10.
Two-ups: Neil White / Nick Bannister (Hinckley CRC) 24.34, Andrew Mackay / Mark Mackay (Hinckley CRC) 25.06.
Yet away from the two-ups, two-downs, the middle class Victorians enjoyed life on a far grander scale.
She says: ``He was a Protestant and, in Liverpool, even in two-ups, two downs, most Protestants were Conservative and most Catholics Labour, just as Everton was the Catholic team and Liverpool the Proddy-dog one.''
Ringo drifted in later and Allan took me down to his house at Admiral Grove where we stood silently in the drizzle looking up at a terrace of tiny two-ups and two-downs with the house in question painted white with billowing lace curtains.
Private entries: Andy Green/Dael Sidwell (Lutterworth Cycle Centre) 21-14, Adam Tansey/ David Adcock (Keep The Beat) 23-24 (two-ups), Colin Parkinson (SWRC) 23-22, Paul Tompkins (Lutt CC) 24-27, Kelvin Southan (MG-Decor Team Carbon Bikes) 25-05, Jun Archer (Leicester Tri) 25-11, Julian Hallett (Leicester Tri) 25-12, Robert Steele (Walsall RC) 25-19, Chris Wilcox (Ratae RC) 25-57, Steve Jackson (Trent Valley) 26-02, Ewan Eaton (Leicester Tri) 27-16, Asa Brown (Leicester Tri) 27-49, C Lemmon (Leicester Tri) 28-56, David Saunders (Leicester Tri) 29-04, Neil Lemmon (Leicester Tri) 34-05, Steve Hibben (Leicester Tri) 36-59.
Two-ups: Gregg Elson & Peter Cosenfino 30.11, Judy Elson & Julie Hinds 31.07.