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A city of northwest South Korea south of Seoul. It is noted as a manufacturing center for electronic goods.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



a city in NW South Korea, S of Seoul. 755,502.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Suwon District Court in the city of Suwon, south of Seoul, also ordered the 32-year-old disgraced entertainer to pay a fine of 1.4 million won (around $1,203) and issued probation and treatment orders for him.
Issuing an arrest warrant for him, Suwon District Court said it has decided to do so due to concerns he is a flight risk or could try to destroy evidence.
Suwon District Court approved the arrest warrant for Park, 32, due to concerns over possible destruction of evidence and flight risk, a court spokesman told Reuters.
Gyeonggi, which literally means 'the area surrounding the capital' (Seoul), is the most populous province in South Korea, composed of 28 cities and three counties, with Suwon City as capital. Ibaraki (Japan) Kashima Antlers staged an incredible comeback to beat Suwon Bluewings 3-2 in the first leg of their 2018 AFC Champions League semi-final on Wednesday.
Suwon down Jeonbuk thanks to Damjanovic's double Dejan Damjanovic's double strike moved Suwon Bluewings to the verge of the Asian Champions League semi-finals yesterday as they handed twice champions Jeonbuk Motors a 3-0 defeat in the all-South Korean clash in the first leg of the quarter-finals.
Despite going down to Bahrain 23-30 on Saturday, Oman managed to secure a berth in the main round of the 18th Asian Men's Handball Championship that is being played in Suwon, South Korea.
Summary: The world's first EcoMobility Festival was organised in Suwon, Republic of Korea to promote travelling with integrated and environmentally friendly transport options like cycling and walking.
L'attaquant international nord-coreen Jong Tae-Se, qui joue actuellement a Cologne (2e division allemande), va s'engager avec les Suwon Samsung Bluewings, l'un des plus importants clubs de Coree du Sud, a annonce le manageur du club hier jeudi a l'AFP.