
(redirected from Stael-Holstein)


(ˈstɑl ɔlˈstɛn)

Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de, (Madame de Staël) 1766–1817, French writer.
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"De l'esprit des traductions." (Euvres completes posthumes de madame la baronne de Stael-Holstein. Vol.
von Stael-Holstein (1877-1937), a scholar of Tibetology and Buddhology, is the person in question.
The story of this double publication is contained in the correspondence of Stael-Holstein, now preserved in the Harvard-Yenching Library.
Jayne, the editor of the short-lived journal Eastern Art, wrote from Philadelphia to Stael-Holstein in China to inform him that, as Eastern Art was being discontinued and could not publish his paper, he had forwarded it to JAOS.
On December 28th Jayne telegraphed Stael-Holstein to request his authorization for JAOS to publish his "Notes on Two Lama Paintings." As soon as Stael-Holstein received the telegram, he immediately replied by telegram asking Jayne to inform JAOS of his negative answer because the paper had been published in another journal.
Stael-Holstein about the misunderstanding: My dear Baron: With further reference to our conversation of last evening, in the course of which I expressed my interest in the fact that, after receiving from you the reprint of your article "On two Tibetan pictures representing some of the spiritual ancestors of the Dalai Lama and of the Panchen Lama" printed by the Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping, I noted in my copy of the Journal of the American Oriental Society, on pages 338 ct seq., your article "Notes on two Lama paintings": You have now given me for perusal the copies of the declaration which you have asked the American Oriental Society to publish in this Journal explanatory of this situation.
Shryoek, an editor of JAOS, wrote to Miss Bayley, the secretary of Harvard-Yenching Institute, to explain the matter of Stael-Holstein's "double-publication" and promise to publish some statement: My dear Mr.
On April 9th 1933 Shryock wrote to Dean Chase at Harvard, once again to explain the matter of Stael-Holstein's "double-publication": My dear Mr.
Stael, Germaine dein full Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Baroness (baronne) de Stael-Holstein byname Madame de Stael (b.
She was married in 1786 to the Swedish ambassador in Paris, Baron Erik de Stael-Holstein. It was a marriage of convenience and ended in 1797 in formal separation.
Even the aristocratic particle in her name, which one might want to read as an unambiguous marker of class affiliation, is misleading, and not only because Stael's nobility was a consequence of her marriage with the Swedish ambassador, Erik-Magnus de Stael-Holstein. As daughter of Louis XVI's Director-General of Finance, Jacques Necker, Germaine de Stael's life (1766-1817) was marked by a complex blend of wealth, privilege, and social status.
The ascription of quotations is often obtrusively pedantic, so that the author of 'Ode on Venice' is given as 'George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824)', the exponent of the Latin ode as 'Quintus Horatius Flaccus', and the author of De L'Allemagne as 'Anne Necker de Saussure, baronne de Stael-Holstein'.