St Marys

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St. Mar•ys

(ˈmɛər iz)
a river in the N central U.S. and S Canada, forming the boundary between NE Michigan and Ontario, flowing SE from Lake Superior into Lake Huron. 63 mi. (101 km) long. Compare Sault Ste. Marie.
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References in classic literature ?
But they dwelt in an old wooden house-- old even in those days--with overhanging gables and balconies of rudely-carved oak, which stood within a pleasant orchard, and was surrounded by a rough stone wall, whence a stout archer might have winged an arrow to St Mary's Abbey.
The same pious care which enriched the abbey of St Mary, and left us, orphans, to its holy guardianship, directed that no constraint should be imposed upon our inclinations, but that we should be free to live according to our choice.
There was quite a fresh trill in his voice, when, arriving at the counting-house in St Mary Axe, and finding it for the moment empty, he trolled forth at the foot of the staircase: 'Now, Judah, what are you up to there?'
``Nay, by St Mary, brother Brian, you must not think you are now in Palestine, predominating over heathen Turks and infidel Saracens; we islanders love not blows, save those of holy Church, who chasteneth whom she loveth.
Travel Business Review-June 13, 2013--Tourism train to begin operation in St Marys, Georgia(C)2013] ENPublishing -
Fishermen over the age of 16 will need a Florida saltwater fishing license when fishing on the Florida side of the St Marys River.
League Cup Under-14 semi-final Bishop Auckland St Marys A .............
At the Tea@3 charity event held at Hudson Coffee Shop, Birmingham, were (from left) Gavin Petri corporate fund raiser with Birmingham St Marys Hospice, Maureen Sanders business developer Hudsons, Vikki Washbourne, Eversheds marketing department and Emerson Povey, community fund raiser St Marys Hospice
Ainsdale begin their defence of the David Kaufman Memorial Trophy with a second round match against either St Marys College OB or Rainhill.
Leinster side: K Nowlan (St Mary's Club), D Hickie (St Mary's), M Ridge (Old Belvedere), K McQuilkin (Lansdowne), J McWeeney (St Mary's), A McGowan (Blackrock), D O'Mahony (Lansdowne), R Corrigan (Greystones), S Byrne (Blackrock), A McKeen (Blackrock), S Jameson (St Marys), A Freeman(Lansdowne), T Brennan (St Mary's) T Goldfinch (Blackrock), V Costello(St Mary's).
St Marys couldn't clear but Alfie Burns put it in the net.