special school

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special school

(Education) Brit a school for children who are unable to benefit from ordinary schooling because they have learning or physical disabilities, etc
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Saquib Ali, a teacher at Calthorpe Special School, said: "We appreciate the generous gesture and support given by Bob Wilson's Funfair, the Frankfurt Market stall holders and Birmingham City Council.
At the time of writing I've yet to get my head around what it means to me as chair of governors of a special school, for my fellow governors or, more importantly, the young people at my school and the impact on parents, carers and teachers.
PUPILS, parents and teachers have bid an emotional farewell to a special school.
The event will take place tomorrow at Glebe Special School, in Whitley Bay.
These members of staff from the Birmingham office of Eversheds law firm rolled up their sleeves to redecorate the gymnasium at Kingstanding Special School, as part of their ongoing commitment to Birmingham Cares.
March, 2006: Anthony's parents rejected offer of a placement for him at a special school for children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.
Jarvis has been chosen to build a new Newsome Special School, plus three other special schools in Kirklees, in a pounds 25m Private Finance Initiative scheme.
1.2131 (e)(1)(v)(a) , although ordinary education is not medical care, the cost of medical care does include the cost of attending a special school for mentally or physically handicapped individuals, if the institution's resources for alleviating such handicap are a principal reason for the student's presence at the school.
This is what is being planned: | Ty Gwyn Special School: Increase the number of places to 198 and adapt the former Trelai Youth Centre building to provide three extra classrooms as well as a community facility | Greenhill School: Increase the leaving age for pupils from 16 to 19, becoming a school for 11 to 19 year olds and increase the school's capacity to provide 64 places | Meadowbank Special School: Adapt the designation of the school to: "speech language and communication needs and complex learning disabilities" - the school's current designation is for "specific language impairments".
CHILDREN from a Birmingham special school were left in a playful spin after they were offered free carousel rides at the city's German Market.
"Some of the special school buildings, for instance the former Hawkesbury Fields School (which merged to become Castle Wood School in a new building) didn't have room for the equipment.
The authority proposes to put Stanley Special School on the same site as Pensby Primary School - moving from its current building in Thingwall.