Snow flea

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(Zool.) a small black leaping poduran (Achorutes nivicola) often found in winter on the snow in vast numbers.

See also: Snow

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"But what I love about the Watches is that we draw the audience in with the A-listers and then do a piece on something like a snow flea or a wood ant, and so often these little guys that go unnoticed are way more fascinating than the A-list show-offs.
During our very early snowfall in November, another phenomenal but little-known species, the snow flea, revealed itself.
These are adult snow fleas, a type of springtail which overwinters in the leaf litter at the base of trees and emerges on warmer winter days.
Canadian scientists from the Department of Biochemistry at Queens University, in Kingston, Ontario, discovered an antifreeze protein in snow fleas that may increase the shelf life of human organs for transplantation.
Researchers explain that not only will this protein preserve the organs longer but unlike the antifreeze proteins in beetles and moths, anti-freeze proteins in snow fleas break down and lose their structure at higher temperatures, meaning that if it used to store organs for transplants, they will be cleared from a person's system quickly, reducing the possibility of harmful antibodies forming that could cause a deadly infection.
Welcome to the strange world of snow fleas and their relatives.
While snow fleas are springtails that are adapted to dwell in cold regions and may be observed frolicking in the snow, collembolans occur in virtually all habitats around the globe.
You may have heard of some other insects called snow fleas (see page 32).
Collembola, or snow fleas, hop about this nearly invisible zoo.
Snow fleas (tiny insects that arent really fleas) and winter stoneflies survive through our winters and can sometimes be seen moving on top of snow banks.
Try to scoop them up, however, and you'll see why they're also called "snow fleas." The tiny insects can really hop!
(See the January 1997 issue of Ranger Rick for more tips on that.) And maybe you'll see some snow fleas. You may find a bunch of them at the bottom of a tree.