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v. t.1.(Shipbuilding) To bevel the end of a timber to fit against an inclined surface.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Roy Snape, 45, was out watching United against Liverpool with the woman when a male pal said: "See you later, darling."
Nicholas Snape repeatedly messaged a girl over a 20 month period, during which he became increasingly abusive, calling her a "slag" and a "c**t", saying he knew where she lived and travelled.
The prize winners were: 1 Ronald Weir, Robert Cook and Sheena Harkness, (Thornhill BC); 2 Debbie Cochrane, Emma Russell, (Castle Douglas BC), and Robin McCartney (Auchencairn BC); 3 Andrew Snape, Alexa Snape and David Irving (Marchmount BC); 4 Steven Little, Maureen Jackson, (Maxwelltown BC) and Silvia Hayes (New Abbey BC).
HALESOWEN TOWN have appointed club legend John Snape as assistant manager at The Grove.
The late actor Alan Rickman was fondly remembered for his role as Severus Snape in the "Harry Potter" movie series, and many have lauded his performance as the tortured professor who carried the torch for Lily Potter.
Rowling has apologized to fans for killing Severus Snape in the sought-after wizardry series.
AUTHOR JK Rowling has finally apologised for killing off Snape and Harry Potter fans can't cope.
Rowling'sorry for killing Snape' HARRY Potter author JK Rowling has apologised for killing off Professor Severus Snape in the final book of the series.
Mohammed Aquil, 29, along with Amjad Hussain, 36, Alwyn Snape, 50, and Anees Ahmed, 43, provided false details and forged documents to get cheaper insurance premiums.
However, he played the tragic hero of Harry Potter, Severus Snape with empathy and ingenuity.