Grasses, seed heads and trees with peeling bark, such as Betula nigra or Prunus
serrula, can also look wonderful backlit the by autumn sun, adds McWilliam.
Chelicera: Fixed finger with 2 large teeth plus 6 (S), 5 (?) smaller teeth between these; brush at base of fixed finger composed of 7 setae (G5A), each densely pilose in distal half; lateral surface with 3 large, lanceolate, terminally pilose setae (Gl); internal face of chelicera with 4 {$), 3 (2) short whiplike setae (G4); movable finger
serrula composed of 17 (S), 18 (2) long lamellae, blunt guard tooth present subdistally; 1 accessory tooth present at two-thirds from base of
T-III 13.47 C-C 13.47 SP 72.87 % C-DFM 8.46 GE Antennarius avalonis, Hemicaranx T-II 23.39 leucurus, Oligoplites refulgens, NT-4 23.39 Ophichthus sp., Pomadasys panamensis, R-OP 23.39 Pristigenys
serrula, Scorpaena mystes.
Serrula form of the###2###2###2###1###3###1###2###2###1###3###1###3###3###2###2
If you have room, consider Prunus
Serrula, eventually growing 10 x 10m, its coppery-glowing, peeling bark gives way to a shiny stem.
serrula also has very glossy bark that can remind you of polished mahogany.
Solo tres especies tuvieron tamano muy grande: Acleisanthes longiflora (lamina VII, 13-14), Oenothera
serrula (lamina VII, 23-24) y Oenothera gracilis (lamina VIII, 1-2).
If you only have room for one trunk then perhaps Prunus
serrula has the most outstanding bark of all.
More common is Prunus
Serrula with polished new bark, a deep red-brown.
Hoplunnis pacifica 1 0,17 1 0,07 Monolene assaedae Ophichthidae Peces no 7 2,43 6 0,49 identificados Polydactylus approximans Pontinus sierra 1 1,94 1 0,07 Porichthys margaritatus Pristigenys
serrula Scorpaena russula Scorpena sp.
The maxillary
serrula (toothed keel) is absent, the posterior lateral spinnerets are shorter than the abdomen and an unpaired claw on the tarsi is absent.
Chelicera with number of setae of the hand, galea and number of plates in the
serrula exterior as described by Hoff (1964), rallum composed of 3 blades, the most distal blade serrate; movable finger with subapical lobe long and curved.