

abbreviation for
1. (Military) Sergeant
2. (Law) Sergeant
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Sergeant
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Thanks for the good lyrics from "Sergt. Pepper." I have a secret agent who is going to sneak me the record one of these days then I will hear it all and concentrate on everything.
"A policeman came along with his hand in his bosom, and threw his whole weight against Sergt Backner." Harry Brown, another witness, told a commission investigating the incident "he just walked along and shoved him with his elbow as he passed hard enough to push sergt.
Without a moment's hesitation Sergt. Cairns seized a Lewis gun and single-handed, in the face of direct fire, rushed the post, killed the crew of five, and captured the gun.
For reaction by Winnipeg's three dailies see "Sergt. Coppins V.C.
Chalmers of the Mounted Rifles and Sergt. Aston, of the Mounted Police, on Thursday night ...
Fellow Scot Sergt Kevin Stacey, 26, the commander of the Warrior armoured vehicle blown up by the bomb, was critically injured.
The Sergt. ordered the man to surrender himself, which the latter refused to do; whereupon the former drew a pistol and without another word shot the deserter dead.
Det Sergt Terry Mosey, of Little Park Street police station, said: "This was a nasty attack on a lone woman from an unexpected source.
They are to Cpl Albert Bowyer, who died in 1918 aged 20, Pte William Callahan, who died in 1917 aged 26, and Sergt John Stelling, who died in 1915, aged 30.
The child, Drew Richardson, son of Sergt and Mrs A Richardson, was left in his pram outside the house.
Sergt Montgomery slightly wounded, otherwise no damage done during the day.