semper paratus

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semper paratus

(ˈsɛmpə pəˈrɑːtəs)
always prepared
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
It's designed as a celebration of Warren's life and undoubtedly will end with a medley of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "Semper Paratus," the Coast Guard hymn, affectionately known as the "Corps song" by the Cavaliers.
To develop and support the Systems which enable the men and women of the Coast Guard to be Semper Paratus...
Highlights of the ball include the observance of military traditions such as the presentation of colors, tribute to both prisoners of war and missing in action by MCPO Rudy Palustre, USG (Ret.), salute to the servicesmilitary service's theme songs were presented by LCDR Reno Villanueva, USCG (Ret) and played accordingly, the Navy's "Anchors Aweigh," the Marines' "Marines' Hymn," the Army's "The Army Goes Rolling Along," the Air Force's "Wild Blue Yonder," and the Coast Guard's "Semper Paratus.
Coast Guard motto ''Semper Paratus'' -- ''Always Ready'').
Answers to the trivia questions on page 43: 1) The Marine Corps (Sem per Fideles) and the Coast Guard (Semper Paratus).
Your goal is semper paratus, but there will be times when you should not be flying.
The motto of the United States Coast Guard is semper paratus, "always ready." Never was this more apparent than with Hurricane Katrina.
At times like this, semper paratus should be your guide." We believe that it is not too late for action.
"Non sibi sed patriae; Semper Fidelis; This We'll Defend; Aim High; and Semper Paratus".
Its motto is Semper Paratus, which means "Always Ready."
In closing, it is clear that Admiral Allen truly embodies the motto of the Coast Guard: Semper Paratus.