Evidence to date suggests that the successful RTW of individuals following depression is predicted by personal characteristics of all of these stakeholders (e.g., attitudes), namely of the employee him or herself (de Vries, Koeter, Nabitz, Hees, &
Schene, 2012; Koopmans et al., 2010) as well as the characteristics of the health professionals (Horppu, Martimo, Viikari-Juntura, Lallukka, & MacEachen, 2016), insurer's representatives (Shaw, Hong, Pransky, & Loisel, 2008), employers (McDowell & Fossey, 2015), immediate supervisors (Negrini et al., in press; McGuire et al., 2015), unions (Corbiere et al., 2015), and colleagues (Dunstan & Maceachen, 2014).