sand castle

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sand castle

1. (Metallurgy) a mass of sand moulded into a castle-like shape, esp as made by a child on the seashore
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His masterpiece, The Sand Castle, is a wonderfully accomplished fantasy in which a sandman and his tiny creations construct an elaborate castle, only to see it blow away through the force of nature.
Sand and other granular materials stake out an intriguing middle ground between solids and liquids, as any shifty sand castle demonstrates.
He has a fine time learning to build a sand castle with Max, overcoming his disappointment when a younger kitten stomps and destroys their elaborate sand castle.
My dad helped me build a sand castle. He made a dragon that looked real.
Fifteen things to do before you're 12 include: climb a tree, build a cubby house learn to swim, play in the bush, play in the rain, catch a tadpole, build a sand castle city etc.
The 770th Engineer Company from Penn Yan, New York, probably the dirtiest Soldiers at NTC, made big rocks into little rocks at the quarry as part of Operation Sand Castle. The 770th worked 12 to 14 hours daily to supply crushed rock for construction projects.
They enjoyed a disco on the promenade, a sand castle building competition, chips, ice cream and drinks during the free day out.
For more than two hours Sandhaven beach in South Shields, was overrun with more than 1,700 pupils from 41 schools ( all competing to make the most inventive sand castle.
The sand castle championship takes place on Saturday at Great Yarmouth's Central Beach in Norfolk.
In a sense, Mir created the largest sand castle ever, magnifying the universal desire to insert oneself into a grand narrative.
"Let's build a sand castle just like we do on the beach only with snow instead of sand."