The Gauchos call the former the "Padre del sal," and the latter the "Madre;" they state that these progenitive salts always occur on the borders of the salinas, when the water begins to evaporate.
This phenomenon is quite different from that of the salinas, and more extraordinary.
One day I rode to a large salt-lake, or Salina, which is distant fifteen miles from the town.
Go down by San Jose and
Salinas an' come out on the coast at Monterey.
Shares have plummeted, stockholder confidence evaporated, and the only constant appears to be
Salinas' unshakable desire not to loose his grip on the moneymaking broadcasting empire he made--and may unmake.
Castorina and colleagues drew their study population from participants in the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of
Salinas study, a longitudinal birth cohort study designed in part to investigate pesticide exposures and their effects in pregnant women and children.
Switzerland's Federal Court has approved the blocking of 10 Swiss bank accounts held by the brother of the former Mexican president, Raul
Salinas. The court rejected an appeal by
Salinas who had argued the accounts were not part of a request for legal assistance by the Mexican authorities.
SALINAS to Katherine Reding Whitmore, as well as 144 early versions of poems, became available to the public at Harvard's Houghton Library in July 1999.
The man, Travis Vincent
Salinas, 37, fell to the floor just inside the doorway.
Each of the five underflows measured by the scientists occurred during a period of flooding in the
Salinas River, which flows into Monterey Bay.