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Electronics super-large-scale integration
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Asitha Samaraweera, Managing Director of Atlas Axillia added, "On behalf of Atlas Axillia, I take this opportunity to point out that we have been recognized by the Sri Lanka Standards Institute, one of Sri Lanka's most esteemed and impartial bodies, as the national leader in quality manufacturing." "Atlas Axillia having been selected as the winner of the National Quality Award 2018 by SLSI, a highly independent entity and certifier of quality in Sri Lanka makes it clear to our customers and the public that our products are always of the highest quality and the result of a best-in-class Quality Management System.
After completing the three blocks of cartoon stimuli, participants completed the CDRS-25, the SLSI, and the PIC-I/F, and the demographic questionnaire.
Spatial variation of mean [+ or -] standard deviation (SD) and the minimum and maximum values of water quality parameters sampled from the domestic wells in Vadamaradchi area and Chunnakam areas and the drinking water standards established by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution [18,19] and the percentage of sampled wells exceeding SLSI drinking water standards are given in Table 1.
An analysis of variance on SLSI is significant, F = 3.747 (p(less then).05).
The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC, Sri Lanka's leading herbal-based personal care products company has received the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 International Quality Management Certificate from the Sri Lanka Standard Institute (SLSI).
Examples of self-imposed stressors, as identified in the Student-Life Stress Inventory (SLSI) (Gadzella & Baloglu, 2001), include items such as; "I like to compete and win", "I worry a lot about everything and everyone", and, "I have a tendency to procrastinate", etc.
The company boasts of cutting edge technology laboratories and its processes have been certified to ISO 9001 - 2015 standard by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI).