Rabbit fish

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(Zool.) The northern chimæra (Chimæra monstrosa
Any one of several species of plectognath fishes, as the bur fish, and puffer. The term is also locally applied to other fishes.

See also: Rabbit, Rabbit

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He said his group's trip to the shoal last month was almost a losing one, with each man on the boat making only P2,000 after selling their catch of small red snapper, parrot and rabbit fish.
Dubai: Fishing for and trading of Arabian Sheri (emperor fish) and Safi (rabbit fish) during the breeding period from March 1 to 30 is prohibited to allow important fish stocks to replenish, said the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
Emperor, rabbit fish illegal from March1 to April 30
The fishermen wowed with a wide collection of seafood including sheri, rabbit fish, channad, hammour, squid, prawns and crabs.
Niyabat Al Ashkharah is an important source of fish as it exports the best of Omani fish, such as lobster, shrimps, kingfish, rabbit fish, yellowfin tuna, longtail tuna, emperor, and other types.
Munier Saeed, a trader, said: "Rabbit fish and king fish are the most expensive.
Article One: imposes a ban on life fisheries ( yellow fin tuna, kingfish, long tail tuna and rabbit fish ) from Oct 1st, 2013 to May 31st, 2014.
It stated: "We will seek to avoid bottom trawled fish where we believe it is likely to have a detrimental effect on the environment and we do not support the use of bottom gears for sea bottom trawling and we do not sell species such as grenadier or rabbit fish which are caught by this method."
Christian Burel, a crewman aboard the Mariette La Roch, was left in agony after his foot was pierced by the dorsal spine of a Rabbit Fish which was thrashing about on deck.
The candidates would get a taste of Cebuano delicacies like roasted pig (lechon), sundried rabbit fish (danggit), pork skin crackling (chicharon) during their visit here, which would be dubbed 'Cebu Festive Lunch.'