The Port Jackson shark, like all elasmobranchs, features obvious sexual dimorphism in that males and females can be distinguished readily upon examination of their genitalia.
Prior to this occurrence, the author had never seen a Port Jackson shark at the Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary, despite snorkelling sporadically in the area between 1997 and November 2005, when the author moved to the area and then snorkelled regularly, up until the present time.
(1997) noted that groups of adults moved in and out of shallow water depending on water temperature and breeding conditions, with females and some males moving into shallower water for the purposes of mating, it appears that most of the Port Jackson shark population of Australia's southern waters commence ovulation and mating behaviour between late winter and early spring, while oviposition (egg-laying) tends to occur between late winter and spring (Tovar-Avila et al.
It seems that this current record of a single mass aggregation of the Port Jackson shark reveals that their behaviour may be even more complex than previously thought.
O'Gower AK (1995) Speculations on a spatial memory for the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) (Meyer) (Heterodontidae).
Powter, DM and Gladstone, W (2008b) The reproductive biology and ecology of the Port Jackson shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, in the coastal waters of eastern Australia.
They found Port Jackson sharks would swim towards spots where they played jazz more than any other genre of music.
Scientists from Sydney's Macquarie University found the Port Jackson sharks in their study swam to a feeding station whenever they were played jazz.
Jayawardana's study focuses on macroinvertebrate species adapting to new habitats created by the presence of willow in stream courses; Christie has observed an aggregation of
Port Jackson sharks in Port Phillip Bay; and Selkirk looks at the range of avian species to be found in the grounds of Deakin University.
The water was teeming with life--colourful fish of all shapes and sizes,
Port Jackson sharks in their hundreds, and my favourite, the weedy sea dragon.