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    (pärks´ĭn or pärks´ēn)
n.1.A compound, originally made from gun cotton and castor oil, but later from different materials, and used as a substitute for vulcanized India rubber and for ivory; - called also xylotile.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He called the material "Parkesine", which he patented in the same year, but he failed to capitalise on what was the dawn of arguably the most important industry of the 20th century.
The first fully synthetic plastic, called Parkesine, was developed by the Englishman Alexander Parkes, and it was based on cellulose.
Highlights include Birmingham Assay Office; the newly restored Coffin Works; Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum; blue plaques dedicated to surgeon William Sands Cox, theologian and scientist Joseph Priestley and Alexander Parkes, the inventor of Parkesine, the world's first plastic.
Plastics came first: In 1861 Alexander Parkes invented the first man-made, commercial plastic he named Parkesine. The polymer was derived from cellulose, and like modern plastic could be heated, molded, and retain a chosen shape once cooled.
Parkesine was an organic material derived from cellulose when heated could be moulded and shaped.
He publicly demonstrated it at the 1862 International Exhibition in London; calling the material he produced "Parkesine." Derived from cellulose, Parkesine could be heated, molded, and retain its shape when cooled.
Cellulose nitrate was first discovered in the 1840s and was developed under various names such as parkesine, xylonite and ivoride, as well as celluloid.
Which was the first of the synthetic plastics, invented in 1856 and first called Parkesine? 10.
Em 1855 patentei a a Parkesine, um composto de nitrocelulose que usa a canfora como plasticizante, substancia que da maior fluidez ao material base durante a mold agem.