(2010): A Portuguese specimen of Camptosaurus aphanoecetes (
Ornithopoda: Camptosauridae) increases the dinosaurian similarity among the Upper Jurassic Alcobaja and Morrison Formations.
0 2 0 0 27# 0 cantabrica Omalotheca hoppeana 0 2 25 5 45# 0 Saxifraga conifera 62 17 38 62 90# 24 Arenaria moehringioides 12 33 8 18 57# 14 Festuca picoeuropeana 9 2 0 3 35# 24 Sedum atratum 21 19 13 31 59# 29 Cluster 6 Kobresia myosuroides 3 19 0 13 4 90# Oxytropis neglecta 3 12 8 5 4 52# Arenaria grandiflora 0 2 0 15 6 33# Carex
ornithopoda s.l.
Our collection of three consists of one each of carex
ornithopoda 'Variegata' (green/yellow variegated), avena sempervirens (blue/grey) and imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' (red).
ornithopoda 8 9 Cirsium acaule 16 9 Gymnadenia conopsea 8 8 Leontodon hispidus 40 11 Linum catharticum 24 5 Ononis arvensis 68 28 Ophioglossum vulgatum 16 22 Pimpinella saxifraga 80 31 Plantago media 44 12 Primula veris 84 15 Trifolium montanum 32 8 Class Trifolio-Geranietea Agrimonia eupatoria 52 4 Origanum vulgare 16 1 Solidago virgaurea 36 .
This collection consists of one of each of the following: Pennisetum Compressum, Festuca Glauca (Dwarf Blue Green), Carex
Ornithopoda Variegeta, Molinia Caerulea Variegata.
The grasses are Carex
Ornithopoda Varigata, Avena Sempervivens and Cylindrica `Red Baron' - literally, the Jewel in the Crown.
(2013): An articulated hindlimb of a basal iguanodont (Dinosauria,
Ornithopoda) from the Early Cretaceous Las Hoyas Lagerstatte (Spain) Geol.
Our collection of three consists of one each of carex
ornithopoda 'Variegata' (green/ yellow variegated), avena sempervirens (blue/ grey) and imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' (red).
ovina y Scabiosa columbaria + en 3; Carex
ornithopoda subsp.
This collection consists of one of each of; Carex
Ornithopoda Varigata, Avena Sempervivens and Cylindrica "Red Baron".