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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an American organization that supports the Republicans in Northern Ireland
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NORAID is not bound by the same rules governing Friends of Sinn Fein and the Justice Department does not scrutinise its books.
Sinn Fein's fundraising wing Noraid is using dances in New York and Boston to coax young Irish immigrants into becoming Provos.
Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Sinn Fein's fund-raising wing Noraid is using dances in New York and Boston to coax young Irish immigrants into becoming Provos.
The former NORAID chief's attendance at the AGM of the rebel republican 32 County Sovereignty Committee in County Louth on Saturday sent a chill down my spine.
The IRA, its apologists and the Noraid fund-raisers now realise their cash supply is strangled and thus their game is virtually up.
NORAID, as the group later became known, organised fundraising events among the large Irish communities in America for the IRA.
He was drawn to it after visiting Ireland in 1992 with his then girlfriend Linda Vaughan who, he told the court, was a lobbyist for Noraid in Florida.
But they also saw a group from Noraid as well as a group of AOH representatives carrying a Confederate flag.
One of the funny events I recall was the sight of Joe Cahill, the IRA's former director of finance, running into the Sinn Fein office in Dublin shouting: "Take down those posters of Castro, Che and the others, the Noraid Tour bus is coming."
His betrayer Rupert, a 6ft 8in failed businessman, stumbled into republicanism through his Noraid girlfriend.
1970: Travelled to the US and founded Noraid. Spent the 1970s as commander of the Provisional IRA in West Belfast.
"One of the funniest events I recall was the sight of Joe Cahill running into the Sinn Fein office in Dublin shouting: 'Take down those posters of Castro, Che and the others - the NORAID tour bus is coming.