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n acronym for
Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive
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Phillips, "Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis for Recommending Sites to Be Investigated for Their Suitability as a Repository for Radioactive Wastes," Nirex Science Report PE/NRX/18.
Nirex Limited appealed, and was turned down again, in 1996.
WSP/100: Introduction to the Nirex Waste Package Specification and Guidance Documentation, Nirex Ltd.
He also rejected the list of Nirex sites that was drawn up in 1990.
Nathan Argent, an anti-nuclear campaigner for Greenpeace, said: "Government acceptance of CoWRM's recommendations will mean organisations like Nirex will have to go back and revisit the sites to see if they are still suitable.
The highly sensitive list has been made public for the very first time by the nuclear waste agency, Nirex, as a result of the Freedom of Information Act.
In 1990 Highland Council refused UK Nirex, the owners of the nuclear plant, permission to drill 6000 test boreholes at Dounreay to see if the ground was suitable for a nuclear dump.
``Names like Mullwharcher and Nirex echo in the memories of all involved in Scottish environ-mental politics.'' She added: ``It comes as no surprise that the majority of potential dump sites are in Scotland.
Mr Bonser is also Chairman of the UK waste repository company Nirex, and is a member of the Government's Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee.
At that time BNFL wanted to construct the Nirex dump.