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Related to MICR: Microsoft


abbreviation for
(Computer Science) magnetic ink character recognition
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Commenting on this latest achievement, G P Pathak (Vice President) and Rakesh Khazanchi (Associate Vice President of Holography Business) said: 'to standardise documents related to bank cheques and exchequer's revenue department, security printing for MICR instruments is mandatory.
The unique features of this MICR & laser cheque writing and printing software include:
Xerox MICR technology enables reliable encoding for consistent scanning and reading by high-speed magnetic readers/sorters -- required by the industry when processing printed negotiable documents.
The SP 4110N Secure MICR prints 36 pages-per-minute with a first-page-out of less than 6.9 seconds.
"RDM SYNERGY II utilizes our core competencies of image and MICR expertise, combining it with the quality features of double sided imaging and best of market software applications.
In late 2003, minimally interrupted cardiac resuscitation (MICR) was developed at the University of Arizona as a new approach to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest performed by emergency medical services (EMS) personnel.
A key component of the VersaCheck system is VersaInk, G7's magnetic ink (MICR) for inkjet printers and all-in-ones.
Long Beach, Calif.-based Epson America is enhancing the reliability of back office capture and remote deposit capture applications with the launch of CaptureOne, a desktop check scanner that the company says has the highest MICR accuracy in its class.
The secret has been that the checks require the printing of a MICR line, and in the past have required a special laser printer toner.