Lock step

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Lock´ step`

n.1.A mode of marching by a body of men going one after another as closely as possible, in which the leg of each moves at the same time with the corresponding leg of the person before him.
2.The slavish copying of one person's actions by another; as, party members who vote in lockstep with the leadership.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Ian Kantrowitz, board member and director of Investor Relations, said, 'Automotive manufacturers consistently make changes to new models and ALTIA works hard to stay in lock step with those changes.
I guarantee you that the vast majority of Democrats will vote for the abortion bill in lock step. Our two US Senators, Durbin and Duckworth, both Democrats, are perfect examples of supporting abortion on demand.
According to an accompanying commentary by economist Russ Thibeault of Applied Economic Research of Laconia, "Mortgage rates have moved in lock step with the Federal Reserve's rising rate policies," rising from 3.4 percent in 2016 to nearly 5 percent in the fall of 2018.
Boars make a distinctive noise when they move, their short legs sounding like two soldiers marching in lock step at a very fast pace.
The BoC's measure does suggest some increase in the capacity use rate, with the usual caveat that these measures don't move in lock step. View the preview.
Our main concern now is cautioning European countries against wavering on issues beyond the scope of the nuclear agreement and following in lock step behind the White House.
Demand for water and electricity in the kingdom has soared in recent years in lock step with high levels of economic and population growth.
This would include removing the income tax 'lock step' and removing the requirement of a referendum on devolving income tax.
A lock step would rule out cutting the top tax, without also cutting the basic rate.