They were so incensed at the conduct of the British Commodore
Knowles, who had impressed some of their fellow-citizens, that several thousands of them surrounded the council chamber and threw stones and brickbats into the windows.
I'd just been t' hev a pint--it was half after ten i' the fore-noon, when I hev my pint as reg'lar as the clock--and I says to Knowles, as druv up with his waggon,
'You'll get a bit o' barley to-day, Knowles,' I says, 'if you look about you'; and then I went round by the rick-yard, and towart the Treddles'on road, and just as I come up by the big ash-tree, I see the man i' top-boots coming along on a bald-faced hoss--I wish I may never stir if I didn't.
Dave Slotter leaned belligerently against the desk that barred the way to the private office of James Ward, senior partner of the firm of Ward, Knowles & Co.
Ward is still at the head of the firm of Ward, Knowles
Why, you might as well say we ought to pull down Westminster Abbey, and put up a go-to-meeting shop with churchwarden windows; or never read Shakespeare, but only Sheridan
Knowles. Think of all the work and labour that our predecessors have bestowed on these very books; and are we to make their work of no value?"
Officers believe they have found the body of 50-year-old man David
Knowles, from Streetly, Walsall, who went missing on Thursday.
Officers believe they have found the body of missing 50-year-old man David
Knowles, from Streetly, on Cannock Chase, who went missing on Thursday.
Knowles Corporation has developed a new hands-free reference solution to enable OEMs and ODMs to build headphones, headsets and wireless earbuds that allow users to talk directly to Alexa.
Knowles Corporation (NYSE: KN), a market leader and global provider of advanced micro-acoustic, audio processing, and precision device solutions, has announced that it has developed a new hands-free reference solution to enable OEMs and ODMs to build headphones, headsets and wireless earbuds that allow users to talk directly to Alexa, the company said.
Knowles stands behind Helena Bonham Carter and Daniel Day-Lewis as an extra in A Room with a View.
Knowles has been banned from driving for six months for using a mobile phone while speeding at 85mph.