Italian iron

a heater for fluting frills.

See also: Italian

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Here, he was received by Mrs Kenwigs with a genteel air, kindly intended to assure him of her protection and support; and here, too, he found Mr Lillyvick and Miss Petowker; the four Miss Kenwigses on their form of audience; and the baby in a dwarf porter's chair with a deal tray before it, amusing himself with a toy horse without a head; the said horse being composed of a small wooden cylinder, not unlike an Italian iron, supported on four crooked pegs, and painted in ingenious resemblance of red wafers set in blacking.
IT was supposed to be all about discipline and authority, about the Italian iron man who would not pander to the superstars.
The Swedish automated process control systems maker SinterCast AB said today (26 July) that it had signed a deal with the Italian iron foundry company Teksid SpA.
The Italian iron and steel group Danieli will participate in the construction of a USD644 million sheet steel production chain.

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