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information technology


1. Used to refer to that one previously mentioned. Used of a nonhuman entity; an animate being whose sex is unspecified, unknown, or irrelevant; a group of objects or individuals; an action; or an abstraction: polished the table until it shone; couldn't find out who it was; opened the meeting by calling it to order.
2. Used as the subject of an impersonal verb: It is snowing.
a. Used as an anticipatory subject or object: Is it certain that they will win? We found it hard to believe that the car was that old.
b. Used as an anticipatory subject to emphasize a term that is not itself a subject: It was on Friday that all the snow fell.
4. Used to refer to a general condition or state of affairs: She couldn't stand it.
5. Used to refer to a crucial situation or culmination: This is it—the rivals are finally face to face. That's it! I won't tolerate any more foolishness.
6. Informal Used to refer to something that is the best, the most desirable, or without equal: He thinks he's it. That steak was really it!
7. Games Used to designate a player, as in tag, who attempts to find or catch the other players.
An animal that has been neutered: The cat is an it.
out of it Informal
1. Unaware of or unknowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
2. In a daze or stupor: I didn't get enough sleep last night, and today I'm really out of it.
with it Informal
1. Aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
2. Mentally responsive and perceptive: I'm just not with it today.

[Middle English, from Old English hit; see ko- in Indo-European roots.]
Our Living Language "I told Anse it likely won't be no need." This quotation from William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying demonstrates a use of it that occurs in some vernacular varieties of American speech. It is used instead of Standard English there when there functions as a so-called existential—that is, when there indicates the mere existence of something rather than a physical location, as in It was nothing I could do. Existential it is hardly a recent innovation—it appears in Middle English; in Elizabethan English, as in Marlowe's Edward II: "Cousin, it is no dealing with him now"; and in modern American literature as well. Although most British and American varieties no longer have this historical feature, it still occurs in some Southern-based dialects and in African American Vernacular English. · In some American vernacular dialects, particularly in the South (including the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains), speakers may pronounce it as hit in stressed positions, especially at the beginning of a sentence, as in Hit's cold out here! This pronunciation is called a relic dialect feature because it represents the retention of an older English form. In fact, hit is the original form of the third person singular neuter pronoun and thus can be traced to the beginnings of the Old English period (c. 449-1100). Early in the history of English, speakers began to drop the h from hit, particularly in unaccented positions, as in I saw it yesterday. Gradually, h also came to be lost in accented positions, although hit persisted in socially prestigious speech well into the Elizabethan period. Some relatively isolated dialects in Great Britain and the United States have retained h, since linguistic innovations such as the dropping of h are often slow to reach isolated areas. But even in such places, h tends to be retained only in accented words. Thus, we might hear Hit's the one I want side by side with I took it back to the store. Nowadays, hit is fading even in the most isolated dialect communities and occurs primarily among older speakers. · This loss of h reflects a longstanding tendency among speakers of English to omit h's in unaccented words, particularly pronouns, such as 'er and 'im for her and him, as in I told 'er to meet me outside. This kind of h-loss is widespread in casual speech today, even though it is not reflected in spelling.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pron (subjective or objective)
1. refers to a nonhuman, animal, plant, or inanimate thing, or sometimes to a small baby: it looks dangerous; give it a bone.
2. refers to an unspecified or implied antecedent or to a previous or understood clause, phrase, etc: it is impossible; I knew it.
3. used to represent human life or experience either in totality or in respect of the present situation: how's it going?; I've had it; to brazen it out.
4. used as a formal subject (or object), referring to a following clause, phrase, or word: it helps to know the truth; I consider it dangerous to go on.
5. used in the nominative as the formal grammatical subject of impersonal verbs. When it functions absolutely in such sentences, not referring to any previous or following clause or phrase, the context is nearly always a description of the environment or of some physical sensation: it is raining; it hurts.
6. (used as complement with be) informal the crucial or ultimate point: the steering failed and I thought that was it.
7. (Games, other than specified) (in children's games) the player whose turn it is to try to touch another. Compare he15b
8. informal
a. sexual intercourse
b. sex appeal
9. informal a desirable quality or ability: he's really got it.
[Old English hit]


the internet domain name for
(Computer Science) Italy


abbreviation for
(Communications & Information) information technology
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



pron., nom. it, pron.
1. (used to represent an inanimate thing understood, previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): It was broken. You can't tell a book by its cover.
2. (used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded): Who was it? It was John.
3. (used to represent a group understood or previously mentioned): The judge told the jury it could recess.
4. (used to represent a concept or abstract idea understood or previously stated): It all started with Adam and Eve.
5. (used to represent an action or activity understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned): Since you don't like it, you don't have to go skiing.
6. (used as the impersonal subject of the verb to be, esp. to refer to time, distance, or the weather): It is six o'clock. It was foggy.
7. (used in statements expressing an action, condition, fact, circumstance, or situation without reference to an agent): If it weren't for Edna, I wouldn't go.
8. (used in referring to something as the origin or cause of pain, pleasure, etc.): Where does it hurt?
9. (used in referring to a source not specifically named or described): It is said that love is blind.
10. (used in referring to the general state of affairs or life in general): How's it going with you?
11. (used as an anticipatory subject or object to make a sentence more eloquent or suspenseful or to shift emphasis): It is necessary that you do your duty. It was a gun that he was carrying.
12. (used in referring to a critical event that has finally happened or is about to happen): The lights went out. We thought, this is it!
13. Informal. (used instead of the pronoun its before a gerund or present participle): It having rained for only one hour didn't help the crops.
14. (in children's games) the player who is to perform some task, as, in tag, the one who must catch the others.
15. Slang.
a. a desirable personal attribute.
b. sexual intercourse.
[before 900; Middle English, variant of hit, Old English, neuter of he1]
usage: See me.


information technology.


1. Italian.
2. Italy.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. referring to things

You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has just been mentioned.

He brought a tray with drinks on it.
The horse was so tired it could hardly walk.
The noise went on for hours, then it suddenly stopped.

Be Careful!
When the subject of a sentence is followed by a relative clause, don't use 'it' in front of the main verb. Don't say, for example, 'The town where I work, it is near London'. Say 'The town where I work is near London'.

2. referring to situations

You can also use it to refer to a situation, fact, or experience.

I like it here.
She was frightened, but tried not to show it.

Be Careful!
You often express an opinion using an -ing form or to-infinitive after a verb such as like. When you do this, don't use 'it' in front of the -ing form or infinitive.

Be Careful!
For example, don't say 'I like it, walking in the park'. Say 'I like walking in the park'. Don't say 'I prefer it, to make my own bread'. Say 'I prefer to make my own bread'.

3. with linking verbs

It is often the subject of a linking verb such as be.

You can use it as the subject of be to say what the time, day, or date is.

It's seven o'clock.
It's Sunday morning.

You can also use it as the subject of a linking verb to describe the weather or the light.

It was a windy day.
It's getting dark.
4. describing an experience

You can use it with a linking verb and an adjective to describe an experience. After the adjective, you use an -ing form or a to-infinitive. For example, instead of saying 'Walking by the lake was nice', people usually say 'It was nice walking by the lake'.

It's lovely hearing your voice again.
It was sad to see her in so much pain.

You can use it with a linking verb and an adjective to describe the experience of being in a particular place. After the adjective, you use a phrase referring to the place.

It's very quiet here.
It was warm in the restaurant.
5. commenting on a situation

You can use it with an adjective or noun phrase to comment on a whole situation. After the adjective or noun phrase, you use a that-clause.

It is lucky that he didn't hear you.
It's a pity you can't stay longer.

After an adjective, you can sometimes use a wh-clause instead of a that-clause.

It's funny how people change.
It's amazing what you can discover in the library.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'it' with a linking verb and a noun phrase to say that something exists or is present. Don't say, for example, 'It's a lot of traffic on this road tonight'. Say 'There's a lot of traffic on this road tonight'.

There's a teacher at my school called Miss Large.
There was no space for me to park my car.
See there
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.IT - the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
applied science, engineering science, technology, engineering - the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
تِكْنُولُوجْيَا الـمَعْلومَاتُضَمير المَفعول بِه غير العاقِلضَمير يُشير إلى المُفْرَد غَيْر العاقِلهُو/هِي
ѝгомуна негона нея
그것정보 기술


1. (Comput) =information technologyinformática f
2. (Fin) =income tax


1 [ɪt] PRON
1. (specific)
It as subject or following a preposition is often not translated.
(direct object) → lo, la; (indirect object) → le; (after prep, if translated) → él m, ella f; (neuter) → ello
it's on the tableestá en la mesa
where is it?¿dónde está?
"here's the book" - "give it to me"-aquí está el libro -dámelo
if you have the list, give it to himsi tienes la lista, dásela
it's a good film, have you seen it?es una buena película, ¿la has visto?
give it a kickdale una patada
I have no money for itno tengo dinero para comprarlo
I doubt itlo dudo
there's a wall in front of/behind ithay una pared delante/detrás (de ello)
she put a plate on top of itle puso un plato encima, lo tapó con un plato
it's a she [dog, cat etc] → es hembra
it's a boy [baby] → es niño
2. (indefinite)
The indefinite subject is not translated.
it's rainingestá lloviendo
it's Friday tomorrowmañana es viernes
it's the 10th of Octoberes el diez de octubre
it's six o'clockson las seis
how far is it?¿a qué distancia está?
it's ten miles to Londonson diez millas de aquí a Londres
I like it here, it's quietme gusta aquí, es tranquilo
it was kind of youfue muy amable de su parte
it's easy to talkhablar no cuesta nada
it is not in him to do itno es capaz de hacer eso
it's mesoy yo
don't worry, it's only mesoy yo, no te emociones
it's no use worryingno vale la pena inquietarse
it is said thatse dice que ...
I have heard it said thathe oído decir que ...
it was Peter who phonedfue Peter quien llamó
what is it? (= what's the matter?) → ¿qué pasa?
who is it?¿quién es?
3. (special uses with "to be")
how is it that ...?¿cómo es que ...?, ¿cómo resulta que ...?
that's it for todayeso es todo por hoy
that's it! just there is fine¡eso es! ahí mismo está bien
that's it! I've had enough of this waiting!¡ya está bien! ¡estoy harto de esperar!
that's it then! we leave on Sunday¡muy bien! or ¡solucionado! salimos el domingo
that's just it!¡ahí está el problema!
this is it (= it's time) → ya llegó la hora; (= train, bus etc) → ahí viene
4. (referring to situation) he won't agree to itno lo aceptará
I spoke to him about itlo hablé con él
I'm against itestoy en contra
I'm (all) for itestoy (muy) a favor
the worst of it is thatlo peor del caso es que ...
he's dropped us in itnos la ha hecho buena
see also at 5
see also get A20
5. (in games) you're it!¡te tocó!
6. (= sexual attraction) you've either got it or you haven'tese algo, o se tiene o no, no hay vuelta de hoja
7. (= something special) she thinks she's just it!se las da de maravillosa


2 [ɪt] Nvermú m or vermut m italiano
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɪt] pron
Where's my book? - It's on the table → est mon livre? - Il est sur la table.
When does the pool close? - It closes at 8 → La piscine ferme à quelle heure? - Elle ferme à vingt heures.
(direct object)le(la), l' before word starting with a vowel or before mute h
There's a croissant left. Do you want it? → Il reste un croissant. Tu le veux?
I don't want this apple. Take it → Je ne veux pas de cette pomme. Prends-la.
It's a good film. Did you see it? → C'est un bon film. Tu l'as vu?
He's got a new car. - Yes, I saw it → Il a une nouvelle voiture. - Oui, je l'ai vue.
(indirect object)lui
(following prepositions) from it → en
What did you learn from it? → Qu'en avez-vous retiré?
of it → en
I'm proud of it → J'en suis fier.
in it → y
put the book in it → mettez-y le livre
it's on it → c'est dessus
he agreed to it → il y a consenti
Did you go to it? → Y êtes-vous allé(s)?
above it → (au-)dessus
over it → (au-)dessus
below it → (en) dessous
under it → (en) dessous
in front of it → devant
behind it → derrière
Salt? I think it's better without it → Du sel? Je pense que c'est meilleur sans.
(speaking of weather, time)il
it's raining → il pleut
it's 6 o'clock → il est six heures
(impersonal subject)
It's Friday tomorrow → Demain c'est vendredi.
It's 2 hours by train → C'est à 2 heures de train.
Who is it? - It's me → Qui est-ce? - C'est moi.
It's expensive → C'est cher.
It's not that I don't want to, it's just that → Ce n'est pas que je ne veuille pas, c'est juste que ...
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(when replacing German noun) (subj) → er/sie/es; (dir obj) → ihn/sie/es; (indir obj) → ihm/ihr/ihm; of itdavon; behind/over/under etc itdahinter/darüber/darunter etc; who is it? — it’s me or (form) Iwer ist da? — ich (bins); who is it? — it’s the Browns!wer ist da? — die Browns!; once the baby had been fed, it stopped cryingals das Baby gefüttert worden war, hörte es auf zu weinen; what is it?was ist es or das?; (= what’s the matter?)was ist los?; that’s not it (= not the trouble)das ist es (gar) nicht; (= not the point)darum gehts gar nicht; the cheek of it!so eine Frechheit!; the worst of it is that …das Schlimmste daran ist, dass …; I like it heremir gefällt es hier
(indef subject) → es; it’s raininges regnet; yes, it is a problemja, das ist ein Problem; it seems simple to memir scheint das ganz einfach; if it hadn’t been for her, we would have comewenn sie nicht gewesen wäre, wären wir gekommen; it’s not that I don’t want to goes ist nicht so, dass ich nicht gehen will; why is it always me who has to …?warum muss (ausgerechnet) immer ich …?; why is it always him who can’t …?warum ist es immer er, der nicht … kann?; it wasn’t meICH wars nicht; it was the Italians who wones waren die Italiener, die gewannen; it was ten miles to the stationbis zum Bahnhof waren es zehn Meilen; I don’t think it (is) wise of you …ich halte es für unklug, wenn du …; it is said that …es wird gesagt, dass …, man sagt, dass …
(emph) it was him or he (form) who asked herER hat sie gefragt; it was a cup that he dropped and not …er hat eine TASSE fallen lassen und nicht; it’s his appearance I object toich habe nur etwas gegen sein Äußeres; it was for his sake that she liednur um seinetwillen hat sie gelogen; it’s the OTHER one I likeich mag den ANDEREN/das ANDERE etc
(inf phrases) that’s it! (agreement) → ja, genau!; (annoyed) → jetzt reichts mir!; that’s it (then)! (achievement) → (so,) das wärs!, geschafft!; (disappointment) → ja, das wars dann wohl; this is it! (before action) → jetzt gehts los! ? at, in, with-it
n (inf)
(in children’s games) you’re it!du bist!
this is really it!das ist genau das richtige, DAS ist es; he really thinks he’s iter bildet sich (dat)ein, er sei sonst wer
my cat’s an itmeine Katze ist ein Neutrum
(dated: = sex appeal) → Sexappeal m


n (dated sl) gin and itGin mit italienischem Wermut
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(it) pronoun
1. (used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies. If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.
2. used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time. Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?
3. (usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase. It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.
4. used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning. The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!
its adjective
belonging to it. The bird has hurt its wing.
itself pronoun
1. used as the object of a verb or preposition when an object, animal etc is the object of an action it performs. The cat looked at itself in the mirror; The cat stretched itself by the fire.
2. used to emphasize it or the name of an object, animal etc. The house itself is quite small, but the garden is big.
3. without help etc. `How did the dog get in?' `Oh, it can open the gate itself.'
its is an adjective or pronoun expressing possession: a cat and its kittens .
it's is short for it is or it has: It's raining heavily .
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تِكْنُولُوجْيَا الـمَعْلومَاتُ, هُو/هِي IT, to den, it es, Informationstechnik αυτό, τεχνολογία πληροφορικής informática, lo, TI se, tietotekniikka il, informatique IT, to esso, informatica それは, 情報技術 그것, 정보 기술 het, IT den, IT technika informacyjna, to IT, pronome que se refere a coisas inanimadas, TI ИТ, он, она, оно den, IT ตัวย่อของเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ, มัน Enformasyon Teknolojisi, o CNTT, nó 信息技术,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


pron. neut.
it iseso es; it'scontr. of it and is;
the best of ___lo mejor;
the worst of ___lo peor.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009