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1. horizon.
2. horizontal.
3. horology.
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References in classic literature ?
Hor Vastus greets the son of Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, and of her husband, John Carter.
"Grieve not, my good Hor Vastus," cried Carthoris, "since I bring not back myself alone to cheer my mother's heart and the hearts of my beloved people, but also one whom all Barsoom loved best--her greatest warrior and her saviour--John Carter, Prince of Helium!"
Hor Vastus turned in the direction indicated by Carthoris, and as his eyes fell upon me he was like to have collapsed from sheer surprise.
"Ah, my Prince," he continued, as though no thought had interrupted his greeting, "that you are back is sufficient, and let Hor Vastus' sword have the high honour of being first at thy feet." With these words the noble fellow unbuckled his scabbard and flung his sword upon the ground before me.
I stooped and lifted the sword from the ground, raised the hilt to my lips, and then, stepping to Hor Vastus, I buckled the weapon upon him with my own hands.
"Hor Vastus," I said, placing my hand upon his shoulder, "you know best the promptings of your own heart.
Hor Vastus and Kantos Kan, with my other noble lieutenants, I left with Carthoris at Helium, that he might have the benefit of their wisdom, bravery, and loyalty in the performance of the arduous duties which had devolved upon him.
I contented myself, however, with putting the frigate hors de combat; she will not have any difficulty in getting repaired at the next port."
"Qui veut delasser hors de propos, lasse."--PASCAL.
The next day Sarah showed Schulenberg a neat card on which the menu was beautifully typewritten with the viands temptingly marshalled under their right and proper heads from "hors d'oeuvre" to "not responsible for overcoats and umbrellas."
For hors d'oeuvres what do you say to oeufs de pluvier?
"The devil, gentlemen!" said the cardinal, "three men placed hors de combat in a cabaret squabble!