Hans Zinsser

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Noun1.Hans Zinsser - United States bacteriologist who helped develop immunization against typhus fever (1878-1940)
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We once had a lengthy conversation with him about the black plague and Hans Zinsser's Rats, Lice, and History.
Hans Zinsser (1878-1940), an American microbiologist and historian, dedicated his classical work, Rats, Lice and History, to Charles Nicolle "with affectionate friendship."
This long-standing battle was perhaps best articulated by the eminent physician and microbiologist Hans Zinsser in his classic Rats, Lice and History, a splendid book (now, sadly, out of print) whose title has given rise to a veritable genre (Guns, Germs, and Steel; Viruses, Plagues, & History; Plagues and Peoples; Man and Microbes) but whose style has never been approximated: