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Noun1.Halchidhoma - a member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa
Hoka, Hokan - a member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Hokan languages
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Spier notes the Yuman-speaking Cocomaricopa and Opa came to be known as the Maricopa, a term that eventually represented the Maricopa proper, the Halchidhoma, Kohuana, Halyikwamai, and Kaveltcadom.
While on the river Garces received Yavapai visitors and, though a practiced observer of Indian peoples, made no mention in his diary of Yavapai chiefs even after presiding over a peace council of Mohaves, Yavapais, Pais, Chemehuevis, and Halchidhomas. If the Yavapai peoples did have a hierarchy of chiefs before the nineteenth century, one would expect that the European explorers and missionaries in Arizona would have figured this out--they paid attention to such things.
made no mention in his diary of Yavapai chiefs, even after presiding over a peace council of Mohaves, Yavapais, Pais, Chemehuevis, and Halchidhomas" Braatz ignored the methodological guideline that absence of evidence does not affirm absence of a phenomenon.