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Related to Haemorrhoidal: hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidectomy


a.1.Same as Hemorrhoidal.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tailored excisional treatment for high-grade haemorrhoidal disease.
Haemorrhoidal skin tags weren't a problem, so long as you had PS1,319 in your back pocket.
The other group (Group B) were subjected to peri haemorrhoidal injection of 5% phenol in almond oil about 35 cc.
Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialisation (THD) is a relatively recent development, which is approved by NICE, the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, and is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure used to treat haemorrhoids.
The most frequent pathology following normal findings is haemorrhoidal disease.
Oberwalder et al., "Doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation with suture mucopexy compared with suture mucopexy alone for the treatment of Grade III haemorrhoids: a prospective randomized controlled trial," Colorectal Disease, vol.
IST has been one of the oldest non surgical treatments for early haemorrhoids in which a sclerosing agent is injected sub-mucosally causing fibrosis around the vessels of internal haemorrhoidal plexus, to obliterate and cause them to shrink and get thrombosed4.
This is no idealised limb dropping from the heavens to bless us foolish mortals, nor to reveal a timeless truth: God's wrist and hand are fleshy and flayed, on the edge of decay--revelation as a haemorrhoidal ooze.
Polidocanol injection is well known as a novel foam sclerosant that is currently administered by injection mostly for the treatment of hemangiomas [9], haemorrhoidal disease [10], symptomatic hepatic cysts [11], gastric varices [12], and reticular veins of the lower limbs [13].