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Related to Gobelin: Gobelin tapestry


 (gō′bə-lĭn, gŏb′ə-)
A tapestry of a kind woven at the Gobelin works in Paris, France, noted for rich pictorial design.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈɡəʊbəlɪn; French ɡɔblɛ̃)
(Textiles) of or resembling tapestry made at the Gobelins' factory in Paris, having vivid pictorial scenes
(Textiles) a tapestry of this kind
[C19: from the Gobelin family, who founded the factory]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈgɒb ə lɪn, ˈgoʊ bə-; Fr. gɔˈblɛ̃)

1. made at a tapestry factory in Paris established by the Gobelin family.
2. resembling the tapestry made at the Gobelin factory.
3. a tapestry from the Gobelin factory.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The count had valuable Gobelin tapestries and Persian carpets in the house.
The walls were hung round with tapestry, said to be from the Gobelin looms, and, at all events, representing the Scriptural story of David and Bathsheba, and Nathan the Prophet, in colours still unfaded, but which made the fair woman of the scene almost as grimly picturesque as the woe-denouncing seer.
Lived now in Hamburg, where he had written his memoirs, full of half- or quartertruths, ever the upright naval officer, nervously disclaiming the honour of being Hitler's darling, despite the evidence of that five-ton armoured Mercedes, Adolf's personal gift, and his Gobelin tapestries.
The art form is represented bya wide range of handicrafts, includingcarpet weaving, batik (silk kerchief), gobelin, pottery (ceramics), knitting, embroidery, jewelry, art glass, art carving (wood, metal, stone, bone carving), etc.
His interest in fabric sprang from a childhood familiarity with fine textiles at the home of his maternal grandfather, who was an administrator for the Beauvais and Gobelin tapestry industries and a collector of quality fabrics.
The investment report showed that the expansion process brought the capacity up 400,000 sqm with to the addition of two more looms in both Egypt and the US, in addition to four Gobelin looms of a 67,500 sqm capacity in order to meet the growing demand for this kind of carpet.
Boucher was also involved in the tapestry design for the famous Beauvais and Gobelin workshops.
Written for readers ages 6-10, "Therese Makes a Tapestry" is filled with narrative detail and lively artistic illustrations of the setting in 17th Century Paris, in the well known Gobelin Manufactory, which created tapestries for the king's palaces.
Amongst its treasures Weston houses one of the country's most impressive collections of paintings, including work by Sir Anthony Van Dyck; the unique French, Gobelin tapestries, specially commissioned for the house in the 1760s; a stem cup made from Charles II's Great Seal of England; Thomas Chippendale chairs; work by Morel & Hughes royal furniture makers to the Prince of Wales, and later King George IV; and as well as Chinese and Japanese porcelain, its ceramic collection also boasts Derby, Worcester, Wedgwood and Coalport pieces.
(15) One of the cornerstones of the program was her instructional demonstration of various stitches, both common stitches such as backstitch, cross-stitch, satin stitch, and tent stitch, and more advanced stitches such as Burden stitch and Gobelin stitch.
Cecile Roget, John Litel as Henri Beauvais, Minister of Naval Affairs, Lloyd Corrigan as Inspector Gobelin, Nell O'Day as Camille, Marie's stepsister and Edward Norris as Marcel Vigneaux.
Nile bogs yawl, anon, a cerise-desire canon always gobelin ...